Erickson's Time Line, Lifespan Development

  • Period: to

    Emily's timeline

  • Industry VS Inferiority

    Emily is 10 years old. Her class does an art project every week. She notices that her peers seem to perform better than she does with their art projects. Her mother has decided to sign her up for a swim club. She very quickly has been seen as one of the top competitors. Emily has experienced inferiority with her peers through art but has experienced industry through swimming and her coaches.
  • Identity VS Role Confusion

    Emily is 16. She has found a new group of friends. They have been convincing Emily to skip school and dress differently. Emily has now died her hair bright red and gotten her nose pierced without her parents permission. Her parents have become furious with her due to her disobedience and rebellious behavior. Emily is experiencing identity vs role confusion. She is trying out different identities so she can see where she fits in with society and where she feels comfortable.
  • Intimacy vs Isolation

    Emily is now 22, her past few relationships haven't worked out and she now is avoiding intimacy. Her friends have tried to reach out but Emily has not been communicating with them because she no longer wants intimate relationships with them either. Emily is showing signs of depression due to the loneliness and isolation. She is experiencing Intimacy vs isolation. She had intimacy from her previous partners but due to the relationships failing she has fallen into isolation from others.