Paula cries and her mother conforts her.
In this Paula is going through the first stage of Erickson's theory which is Basic Trust vs. Mistrust. Everytime Paula cries and her mother cares for her, the mother is cultivating a trusting and caring relationship with Paula. -
Terrible twos
Paula has been going through the terrible twos! She has been taking cookies from the cookie jar without permission. She is experiencing Erickson’s second stage of the behavioral theory, autonomy versus shame. She will eventually be caught and her parents will explain why it’s wrong to take things without asking. -
Play Pretend!
Paula has begun to play house with her friends at preschool. She usually plays the role of “Mommy”, while her friend Jennifer plays the role of “Daddy”. They discuss things like who’s going to cook dinner and whose going to clean up after. The girls are experiencing the third stage of Erickson’s theory, initiative versus guilt. During this phase children tend to create play situations and imitate adults. Children also begin to self-identify during this stage and if they begin to feel frustrat -
Getting Insecure
Paula is entering the sixth grade and is beginning to feel anxiety about how her peers may feel about her and how she looks. She is experiencing of the fourth stage of Erickson’s theory, industry versus inferiority. This stage is when children are beginning to create new skills. This is also when social experiences begin to play a bigger role in the child’s life. This in when feeling of inadequacy can begin to manifest. -
Driving Time
All of Paula’s friends have begun getting their driver’s license, but Paula is showing a lack of interest in getting hers. When she is asked why, she simply says she doesn’t want one. Paula has hit the fifth stage of Erickson’s theory, identity versus role confusions-fidelity. In this stage adolescence experiences start to move away from what is done to them to what they do personally. Some may try to delay the gaining of adult responsibilities and most adolescents begin to develop a strong a -
Career Change?
Paula is trying to establish herself after college. She has gotten to begin her dream job only to find that it is not all she hoped it would be and is considering a career change. She is going through the sixth stage of Erickson’s theory, intimacy and solidarity versus isolation-love. This can be a stressful time in the sense it can be difficult to find meaning in one’s life or one may feel severe sense of isolation. Particularly when that person is moving at a pace differing from their frien -
Paula’s children are beginning to move out and she is feeling like she needs to do more to give back. So, Paula decided to start volunteer holding babies at the local hospital. This is Erickson’s seventh state, generativity versus self-absorption or stagnation-care. In this stage while having greater control adults are going through great changes. For example if they are completely consumed with their career they could have finally gotten the promotion they have been waiting on for years; or -
Moving on...
Paula has been sick for a long time. As she speaks with her children in reflecting on her life and experiences she feels a sense of fulfillment in her life. This is Erickson’s eighth and final stage, integrity versus despair. This stage is about reflecting on one’s life. Some look back and feel they lead a meaningful life while others look back and regret the choices they made.