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Erickson's Psychosocial Theory

  • Ericksons 4th Stage, Industry VS. Inferiority

    Ericksons 4th Stage, Industry VS. Inferiority
    Alexandra (10 yrs old) is trying her best but still finds math class difficult, but her parents are willing to help her with her assignments everynight and thats motivate her not to give up. In this stage children become capable of performing complex tasks.
    As a result, they strive to master new skills. Children who are encouraged or commended by parents and teachers develop a feeling of competence and belief in their abilities. While others becomes discouraged or feels inferior or incompetent.
  • Erickson's 6th Stage, Intimacy VS. Isolation

    Erickson's 6th Stage, Intimacy VS. Isolation
    Alexandra (28 years old) and Scott married, because they wanted to spend the rest of their life with each other and live happily ever after. In this stage Intimacy is where deep relationships can be formed because people are vulnerable to adulthood, from young adulthood to later on in life. Isolation is when people don't foster relationships, and they socially isolate themselves, consequently leading to feelings of loneliness.
  • Erickson's 7th Stage, Generativity VS. Stagnation

    Erickson's 7th Stage, Generativity VS. Stagnation
    Alexandra (52 years old) spent time and taught her granddaughter how to cook and bake because she knew it would benefit her granddaughter in the future.
    On this stage, adults strive to create or nurture things that will outlast them, often by parenting children or contributing to positive changes that benefit other people. Contributing to society and doing things to benefit future generations are important needs at the generativity versus stagnation stage of development.