Psychology brain zap

Erickson's Psychosocial Theories Timeline

  • Event 1

    Event 1
    Date: April 10th, 2010
    Event: Andrea married a man she didn't know very well because she had just been though something traumatic and wanted to trust someone. Looking back, she would realize the magnitude of her mistake.
    Crisis: Intimacy vs Isolation
    Explanation: As it turned out, Andrea was looking for comfort and a safe place. Coming out of trauma, she flagrantly disregarded red flags in the relationship that would have told her she was being used as a beard.
  • Event 2

    Event 2
    Date: September 1st, 2013
    Event: Andrea, her 2 adopted sons and husband moved to Alaska. In search of something to make the marriage work, they sought out a fresh start in a new place.
    Crisis: Identity vs Role Confusion
    Explanation: As Andrea tried to make sense of her marriage, motherhood and her role at home and in society, she struggled. Hoping the move to Alaska would help her find herself, she embraced the change.
  • Event 3

    Event 3
    Date: July 1st, 2014
    Event: Andrea took her kids and dog and moved out of the home she lived in with David. She had decided to get a divorce.
    Crisis: Industry vs Inferiority
    Explanation: Andrea was extremely unsure of herself but knew she and her children had to leave for their safety and mental health. Things had deteriorated greatly and the move had not helped. Andrea felt hopeless and invisible.
  • Event 4

    Event 4
    Date: January 1st, 2021
    Event: Andrea enrolled in college. She had a renewed sense of determination and wanted to better herself.
    Crisis: Initiative vs Guilt
    Explanation: Though Andrea was excited to go to school and better herself, she felt very guilty about the time and attention this would take from her children. Even though this decision was made to help the family, it was an inner struggle.