
Eric Stanley Eggins WWI Service

By ehodson
  • Enlistment

    Eric Stanley Eggins enlisted in the Australian Imperial Forces in Brisbane at the age of 21.
  • First Assignemnt

    First Assignemnt
    He was first assigned to the 11th Depot Battalion. This was until the 23rd of November 1916.
  • Second Assignment

    Second Assignment
    He was later promoted to the 6th Reinforcement/ 42nd Battalion and was stationed on the Western Front.
  • Embarkment

    Eric embarked from Sydney on HMAT Demosthenes A64. Previously a passenger ship.
  • Disembarkment

    He disembarked the Demosthenes in Plymouth, England.
  • WIA

    Eric Eggins was wounded in action, in Ypres, West Flanders, Belgium. He sustained severe gunshot wounds to both of his thighs.
  • Return to Australia

    Return to Australia
    He returned to Australia due to the injuries sustained while he was fighting in Ypres, Belgium.
  • Recommended Discharge

    Recommended Discharge
    It was later advised the Eric S. Eggins be discharged from the AIF due to the gunshot wounds (GSW) that had affected his ability to walk.
  • Discharge

    Eric was given an Honorable discharged from the Australian Imperial Forces.