era of good feelings

  • Thomas Jefferson takes office

    Thomas Jefferson takes office
    Thomas Jefferson wins v. John Adams
  • Lewis and Clark begin their westward journey

    Lewis and Clark begin their westward journey
    Lewis and Clark begin their journey westward into the Louisiana purchase
  • Congress passes embargo act

    Congress passes embargo act
    the embargo act allowed no trade with European countries.
  • Us declares war on Britan

    Us declares war on Britan
    This is also known as the war of 1812 there was about 36 months of continuous fighting
  • foreign conflicts resolved

    foreign conflicts resolved
    Monroe's administration resolved conflicts with foreign powers.
  • james monroe takes office

    james monroe takes office
    James Monroe takes office becoming the fifth president
  • Erie canal proposed

    Erie canal proposed
    DeWitt Clinton, The governor of NewYork, wanted the state of New York to build a Canal from Lake Erie to Albany, on the Hudson River. This was known as the "Erie Canal".
  • Monroe sent Jackson to capture Seminole Indians

    Monroe sent Jackson to capture Seminole Indians
    during the war, the US seized many Spanish posts.
  • Adams-onis treaty signed

    Adams-onis treaty signed
    It agreed that Spain gave Florida to the United States. In return, the U.S. would give up its claim on Texas and take the responsibility for 5 million dollars of U.S. citizens claims against Spain.
  • Missouri compromise was agreed on

    Missouri compromise was agreed on
    The agreement stated that Missouri would enter the Union as a slave state and Maine would join as a free state. It also stated that slavery was not allowed north of the 36°30' line.
  • James Monroe elected again

    James Monroe elected again
    James Monroe was re-elected for president
  • Monroe doctrine was issued

    Monroe doctrine was issued
    The Monroe Doctrine was issued and that states that no European power shall interfere with the U.S. and the United States will not interfere with Europe either.
  • Henry Clay proposed the American System

    Henry Clay proposed the American System
    It is a tariff to advance domestic industries and discourage Americans from buying foreign goods.
  • Erie canal completed

    Erie canal completed
    The Erie Canal was finished. Many lives were lost in the process, the end result was spactular.
  • Jackson becomes president

    Jackson becomes president
    Andrew Jackson becomes the 7th president of the United States.