Sullivan: Era of Activism

  • Period: to

    Era of Activism

  • Publication of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring

    Publication of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring
    Rachel Carson wrote the book "Silent Spring". She wrote this book about the enviromental movement of the 1960's. This book was also written to bring awareness of our enviroment and what was going on within it. Rachel talked about how we, the humans, are destroying the enviroment and causing death to certain animals because of the chemicals we are using. This book was published on September 27, 1962 by Houghton Miffin.
  • Publication of Betty Friedan's "Feminine Mystique"

    Publication of Betty Friedan's "Feminine Mystique"
    Author Betty Friedan wrote the book "Feminine Mystique" based off of feminism in the United States. Betty had created a survey for women and based off of the results she found out that women were unhappy with their lives as housewives, and thats what promoted her to write her book. In her book Betty talked about the basic lives of women and that they should be able to have their own jobs, and how there lives were getting boring. Betty's book inspired many women to step up for a change.
  • Publication of Ralph Nader's "Unsafe at Any Speed"

    Publication of Ralph Nader's "Unsafe at Any Speed"
    Ralph Nader wrote and published the book "Unsafe at Any Speed" on November 30th, 1965. This book was written about accusing car manufacturers that their resistance to the introduction of safety features, like seat belts, and their general reluctance to spend money on improving safety was wrong in many ways. This book made Ralph Nader a well known name and brought plenty attention to the problem about car saftey.
  • NOW is Founded

    NOW is Founded
    NOW or National orginization for Woman was founded to help woman fight for what they believe in. This group was a small group of feminists that addressed the issues of pregnancys, abortions, rights in the work force, and just overall equal rights for women. NOW was founded by 28 people inculding Betty Friendan, Pauli Murry, and Shirley Chrishom. In 1968 NOW issued a Bill of Rights under the Equal Rights Amendment Act that enforced the prohibition against sex discrimination in the workforce.
  • Woodstock

    Woodstock was a 3 day long concert/"peace" festival. It was known as "Three Days of Peace and Music". This event took place on a farm in Bethel New York from August 15, 1969 to August 18, 1969. This festival held and entertained over 400,000 people. The counterculture, or "hippies", were the main amount of people that were there. They were there to experience with new drugs and just feel at peace. At Woodstock there was almost no violence, and even the birthplace of two children.
  • First Earth Day Celebration

    First Earth Day Celebration
    Earth day is an event held to celebrate the world wide support of enviroment protection. This day was created b senator Gaylord Nelson so we would have a day to honor the Earth and the concept of peace. Also involved in the upcoming of Earth day was peace activist John McConnell. This day capitalized on the emerging consciousness, channeling the energy of the anti-war protest movement and putting environmental concerns front and center.
  • The EPA is Established

    The EPA is Established
    The EPA or the Unites States Enviroment Protection Agency was created by the US government to help protect our enviroment and the people within it to stay healthy. The EPA was proposed by President Nixon on December 2, 1970. The EPA was passed by Congress and is still a bid deal to date with a cabinit rate int the government. Under the EPA bills and Acts are passed to help build off of the EPA such as the Clean Air Act, all to help keep our enviroment healthy.
  • Roe v. Wade Case Legalized

    Roe v. Wade Case Legalized
    The Roe v. Wade Case was a case arguing the sides on abortion. This argument was brought to court on December 13, 1971 but was later shut down. It was then reargued again on October 11, 1972 and was argued for about 24 weeks before the final decision was made on January 22, 1973. The final decision was that women should have their own right under the 14th amendment to choose for an abortion or not. There were rules that went along with the abortion, but ended with what the women wanted.
  • AIM takes over Wounded Knee

    AIM takes over Wounded Knee
    On February 27, 1973 over 200 followers of AIM (American Indian Movement) took over the reservartion of Wounded Knee. They protested that they were beinf treated wrongly and corrupted with abuse. This incident took place for over 70 days within this little community. This incident brought much attention to the media & attracted many other protestors to help with Indian rights. In the end of this all the seige ended and Wounded Knee was returned to government control and they continued to rights.
  • Congress Passes the Clean Air Act

    Congress Passes the Clean Air Act
    The Clean Air Act was passed so air pollution was controlled on a national level. The Clean Air act was passed as a part of the Enviromental Protection Agency. This was one of the first major laws passed under the EPA.The Clean Air Act was passed on April 1,1973.