Publication of Betty Friedans's Feminine Mystique
In 1966 she was elected the first president of NOW. Her book was credited to spark the second wave of American feminism. -
Publication of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring
It was published in book form. Rachel was already well known before the publishing but the book made her even more popular at the time. The book documented all of the things that we are doing to hurt the earth and what could happen if we continue down this path. -
Congress passes clean air act
Dealt with reducing air pollution throughout the world and fixed problems with power plants. -
Unsafe at any speed
a book accusing car manufacturers of resistance to the introduction of safety features, like seat belts, and their general reluctance to spend money on improving safety. -
NOW is founded
NOW is the nation organization for women and has 550,000 members. It is about standing up for women and their rights. -
UFW's Nationwide boycott of grapes picked on nonunion farms
It was astrike led by the United Farm Workers (UFW) againt growers of grapes in Califronia. The strike lasted for as long as 5 years. -
A music festival held on a huge dairy farm that lasted 3 days and had over 500,000 people -
FIrst Earth Day Celebration
At the time, Americans were not aware of the harms they were giving to earth. Earth day capitiliazed on making people realize what is good for earth and putting enviormental concerns front an center. -
The EPA is established
The EPA is an agency of the U.S federal government that was created to protect human health and the enviroment -
Supreme Court rules to legalize abortion in the Roe v. Wade case
Roe v. Wade went to the supreme court to legalize abortion. -
Protestors From the AIm take over the reservation at Wounded Knee
The protestors took over wounded knee and was ready for war. They were equipped with guns and stayed there for several days refusuing to leave untill they get what is theres.