Unmentionable Times
This was a time before humans completely worshipped the word we and gave up on I completley -
Equality is born
Equality is born and then grows up in the House of Infants -
House of Infants
Equality stayed in the house on infants for 5 years. The house of infants was bare of everything except beds. Equality fought with the others and was often punished -
House of Students
He went to the House of Students at the age of 5 where he stayed for 10 years. Sleeping halls only have beds. His brain "works faster" than the others so he's cursed -
Equality goes to work
Equality gets chosen to be a street sweeper though he wants to be a Scholar -
Tunnel Finder
Equality finds the tunnel and start experiementing with electricity (later) he decides not to speak of it. Equality is now 22 years old -
Meeting Liberty
Equality is working when he sees a woman working in the fields and is stunned by how beautiful she is. She is Liberty/ The Golden One -
Equality finishes building his box that holds the power of the sky. Equality decides to show the World Council of Scholars his invention -
Jail Time
Eqaulity is beaten and imprisoned for not answering to where he was at when he missed a meeting -
Equality escapes the prison and goes back to his box to get it ready for the World Council of Scholars -
World Council Runaway
Equality shows his invention to the Scholars and they don't like it so Equality ran when they tried to destroy it. -
Uncharted Forest
Equality escapes into the Uncharted Forest where he begins living and where Liberty follows him -
Equality and Liberty find a house from the Unmentionable Times and start living in it. -
Equality discovers the word I and finds it freeing. Liberty and Equality also get new names. -
Equality learns the forbidden word: EGO