Equal Rights Advocate Timeline

By cherilm
  • Parents Divorce

    Her mother had suffered a nervous breakdown before Gloria's birth, and had never been able to maintain a job after the breakdown. Her mother was in and out of sanitoriums her whole life. Her parents divorce led Gloria to realize that women did not have the same social or political equality as men.
  • Had an Abortion

    While it was still illegal, she obtained an abortion in England. She had the abortion on her way to India, after she broke off an engagement back in America. The doctor told her that she had to do whatever she wanted with her life.
  • First Important Writing Assignment

    She wrote an article about contraception, and about how women are forced to choose between a career and motherhood.
  • Abortion Speak Out

    She was writing about an Abortion Speak Out that was happening and she felt herself instantly connect with the people there and their mission. She had had an abortion herself, and knew how important it was to have the right to choose in order to direct your own life. She said that she didn't "begin my life as an active feminist" until that day, and that she was focused on it after that day.