John legend

Equal Rights Advocate John Legend

  • The "Show me" campaign

    The "Show me" campaign
    In the year 2007, although it was early in his career John Legend launched the Show Me Campaign ( With this he started an organization that focuses on providing resources that improve people’s lives and give them the opportunities and tools they need to succeed. The Show Me Campaign's goal is to give every child access to a quality education while also addressing systemic issues that in a larger part impact poor people and minorities.
  • Teach For All

    Teach For All is a network that John Legend is the ambassador for. This network connects children and families with the community resources they need to lead successful lives. Teach for All partners with communities to recruit promising leaders, provide support and development, cultivate leadership, share and adapt solutions, and provide children with the community support that they may need. This was important because Legend wanted to make a change for those who may need more support.
  • Education Re-imagined (LRNG Movement)

    Education Re-imagined (LRNG Movement)
    LRNG is a movement that John legend created in 2014. It is a movement that turns learning into a lifestyle, allowing young people to help create their own learning experiences, pursue their passions, connect with peers and mentors, and find new paths to opportunity and jobs. It's done through a technology platform to connect partnerships and learning opportunities. LRNG works to close the nation’s opportunity gap by providing resources to teens and young adults. (
  • Leader of the Discussion Panel on Civil Rights

    Leader of the Discussion Panel on Civil Rights
    In 2015 on the eve of the White House Correspondents’ Dinner John Legend attended and ended up leading the discussion panel on civil rights. While leading, he addressed cost-cutting your way to better schools and pre-K for our kids and better counseling in the schools. Johns dedication to attending these events, creating his own events, and finding platforms to speak out and create the change that we need for all, has shown his resiliency and his true passion for equal rights. (