Industrial Revolution
-The agricultural revolution further accentuated the changes taking place due to the domestication revolution, extending those effects even farther in society.
-The agricultural revolution produced a transformation of human society brought about by the invention of the plow, making large-scale agricultural production possible and leading to agrarian societies. -
Bernardo Razzimazi
- One of the first to make the link between work occupation and health.
- Published a book discribing the hazards of 52 occupations, also saying that with a general inprovement on diet and less arduous work, people would be better able to resist attacks on their health.
Industrial Revolution
- Conservation of wilderness areas begins to be an issue. -Water pollution carried diseas but no one knew why until this time.
General Motors
Ethynal corp. 1923
-GM employs 202,000 people and does buisness in some 157 countries.
-Was the first company to release an all-electric automobile. -
Civilian Conservation Corps
- Provided unskilled manual labor jobs related to the conservation and develpoment of natural resources in rural land ownd by federal, state and local government. -During the time of the CCC, volunteers planted more then 3 billion trees to help reforest america, constructed more than 800 parks nationwide and upgraded most state parks, updated forestfire fighting methods, and built a network of service buildings and public roadways in remote areas.
World War II
-U.S. congress passes Bald Egal preservation act.
-Cleveland, Ohio gas explosion -
Tragety of the Commons
- The ecologist Garrett Hardin published the article " The Tragedy of the Commons" in which he argued that ther is a delimma ariaing from the situation in which multiple individuals acting independently and rationally consulting their own self-interest, will untimately deplete a shared limited resource. -
Thoomas Malthus
- His views were not popular among reformers who belive that the proper social structures could eradicate the ills of man. -Malthus observed that plants and animals produce for more offspring than can survive.
Rainbow Warrior
- The ship was active in supporting a number if Greenpeace protest activities against seal hunting, whaling and nuclear weapons testing during the late 70's to the early 80's.
- The sinking of the rainbow warrior was an operation by the "action" branch of the French foreign intelligence service, it aimed to sink the flagship of the greenpeace fleet, the Rainbow Warrior in a port of New Zealand, to provent her from interfering in a nuclear test in Mouroa.
-An explosion and fire released large quantities of radioactive contamination into the atmosphere.
-It is widely considered to have been the worst nuculear power plant accident in history. -
Eexon Valdez
- Immediate effects include the deaths of, at the best etimates, 100,000 to as many as 250,000 seabirds, at least 2,800 sea otters, approximately 12 river otters, 300 harbor seals, 247 bald eagals, and 22 orcas, as well as the destruction of billions of salmon and herring eggs. -An oil tanker bound for Long Beach, California, struck Prince William Sounds Bligh Reef and spilled 260,00 to 750,00 barrels of crude oil.
The Persian Gulf War
- U.S., Britian, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, and Italy went to war with Iraq.
- Iraq withdrew from Kuwait on Febuary 28, 1991- though not before setting fire to more then 500 Kuwait oil wells.
China's Three Gorges Dam
- The original estimated price of the dam was 20 billion yuan(US$6billion)
- When the dam is fully functional its hydroelectric system will increase national energy outpupt by 10%
BP Gulf Oil Spill
-$1.6 billion: The confirmed cost of the Gulf oil spill to BP, as of June 14, 2010
-102: The number of school gymnasiums that could theoretically be filled floor-to-ceiling with oil from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. -
Hurrican Katrina
-Hurricane Katrina was the deadliest and most destructive Atlantic hurricane of the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season.
- At least 1,833 people died in the hurricane and subsequent floods, making it the deadliest U.S. hurricane since the 1928 Okeechobee hurricane; total property damage was estimated at $81 billion (2005 USD),[3] nearly triple the damage wrought by Hurricane Andrew in 1992.[4] -
"An Inconvenient Truth"
An Inconvenient Truth is a 2006 documentary film directed by Davis Guggenheim about former United States Vice President -Al Gore's campaign to educate citizens about global warming via a comprehensive slide show that, by his own estimate made in the film, he has given more than a thousand times.
-The film includes segments intended to refute critics who say that global warming is unproven or that warming will be insignificant.