Industrial Revolution
Agricultural Revolution
technological improvement and increased crop productivity -
John Muir was born
he was an environmental philosopher -
Walden by Henry David Thoreau
The text is a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings -
Homestead Act
encouraged Western migration by providing settlers 160 acres of public land -
Yellowstone National Park founded
Located in the states of Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho -
American forestry Association founded
Established in 1875, the American Forestry Association is the oldest group in North America organized to promote forest conservation. -
Yosemite plus Sequoia National Park founded
Muir and Johnson lobbied Congress for the Act that created Yosemite National Park on October 1, 1890. The State of California, however, retained control of Yosemite Valley and Mariposa Grove. -
Sierra Club founded
May 28, 1892, San Francisco, CA -
Lacey Act founded
The Lacey Act is a 1900 United States law that bans trafficking in illegal wildlife -
Golden Age of Conservation
First national wildlife refuge established
Established by an executive order of President Theodore Roosevelt on March 14, 1903, Pelican Island was the first national wildlife refuge in the United States. It was created to protect egrets and other birds from extinction through plume hunting. -
us forest service founded
Gifford Pinchot
an American forester and politician -
Aldo Leopold
the father of wildlife ecology and the United States' wilderness system -
Audubon Society founded
non-profit environmental organization dedicated to conservation -
Antiquities Act
an act passed by the United States Congress and signed into law by Theodore Roosevelt on June 8, 1906. -
US National Park service founded
an agency of the United States federal government that manages all U.S. national parks, many American national monuments, and other conservation and historical properties with various title designations. -
Dust Bowl
a period of severe dust storms that greatly damaged the ecology and agriculture of the American and Canadian prairies during the 1930s -
Civilian Conservation corps founded
One of the dozens of New Deal programs created by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to fight the Great Depression, the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was primarily designed to put thousands of unemployed young men to work on useful public projects. -
Taylor Grazing Act
it is a United States federal law that provides for the regulation of grazing on the public lands to improve rangeland conditions and regulate their use. -
Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act
authority is commonly called, requires each waterfowl hunter 16 years of age or older to possess a valid Federal hunting stamp -
Fish plus Wildlife service founded
agency of the federal government within the U.S. Department of the Interior dedicated to the management of fish, wildlife, and natural habitats -
Silent Spring published by Rachel Carson
released on sep 27, 1962 -
Wilderness act
recognized wilderness as “an area where the earth and its community of life are untrammeled by man, where man himself is a visitor who does not remain -
Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
to preserve certain rivers with outstanding natural, cultural, and recreational values in a free-flowing condition -
Paul Ehrlich- wrote “The Population Bomb”
best selling book -
Cuyahoga river fire
The Cuyahoga River was once one of the most polluted rivers in the United States -
an environmental law that promotes the enhancement of the environment -
EPA Founded
December 2, 1970 -
First Earth Day
was founded by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson -
clean air act
law designed to control air pollution -
Endangered species act
provides for the conservation of species that are endangered or threatened throughout all or a significant portion of their range, and the conservation of the ecosystems -
The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act -
OPEC and Oil Embargo
During the 1973 Arab-Israeli War -
Roland and Molina announce that CFC’s are depleting the Ozone Layer
Roland and Molina announce that CFC’s are depleting the Ozone Layer -
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act -
clean water act
public awareness and concern for controlling water pollution led to amendments -
Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act
Love Canal, NY
a neighborhood within Niagara Falls, New York -
Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident
reactor near Middletown, Pa. -
Bhopal Island
a gas leak incident in India -
a catastrophic nuclear accident -
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act -
Montreal Protocol
an international treaty designed to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the production of numerous substances that are responsible for ozone depletion -
Exxon Valdez Disaster
oil spill occurred in Prince William Sound, Alaska -
Energy Policy Act
set goals, created mandates, and amended utility laws to increase clean energy use and improve overall energy efficiency -
Desert Protection Act
established the Death Valley and Joshua Tree National Parks and the Mojave National Preserve in the California desert -
Kyoto Protocol
reduce greenhouse gas emissions -
Population hit 6 billion
Mississippi River (Black Coal Sludge Spill)
IPCC Report on Climate Change
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change -
BP oil spill in the Gulf
Deepwater Horizon oil spill -
Population hits 7 Billion
Tsunami hits Japan
occurred due to an earthquake -
Fukushima Power Plant Meltdown
earthquakes and a tsunami caused it