George Perkins
Henry David Thoreau
John Muir
Theodore Roosevelt
Gifford Pinchot
Alice Hamilton
Yellow Stone National Park Established
Franklin Roosevelt
Aldo Leopold
Lacey Act
edit later -
First National Wildlife Refuge Established
US Forest Service Founded
Antiquities Act
Rachel Carson
US National Park Service Founded
Jimmy Carter
Edward Abbey
Dust Bowl
Civilian Conservation Corps
Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act
Pittman-Roberterson Wildlife Restoration Act
Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act
Federal Water Pollution Control Act
Al Gore
Wilderness Act
Cuyahoga River Burning
Clean Air Act
National Environmental Policy Act
First Earth Day
Clean Water Act
OPEC Oil Embargo
Endangered Species Act
Love Canal Incident
Three Mile Island Nuclear Incident
Union Carbide Plant Explosion In Bhopal, India
Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act
Montreal Protocol
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
Oil Pollution Act
Kyoto Protocol
BP Gulf Oil Spill