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Environmental Science 9/9

  • 100,000 BCE

    Hunter Gatherers

    Hunter Gatherers
    • Hunter-gatherers kept grasslands for hunting by burning.
    • Hunter-gatherers helped spread plants
    • Hunter-gatherers may have led certain species to extinction
    • Hunter-gatherers were more common in the non-modern era, but still sporadically exist today.
    • Until 12,000 years ago, nearly all humans practiced hunter-gathering. (National Geo).
    • Modern example of hunter-gatherers: Inuit
    • Benefit: Balances ecosystem and food chain. (Lawrence Bay).
    • Negative: Can mess up the food chain.
  • 10,000 BCE

    Agricultural Revolution

    Agricultural Revolution
    • The practice of agriculture started in many different parts of the world 10,000 years ago.
    • An area of land can support up to 500 times as many people by farming as it can by hunting and gathering
    • The Agricultural Revolution was a transformative time when the world was transitioning from hunting to agriculture. (Science).
    • Food was more accessible.
    • Required an extensive amount of natural resources
    • Released Co2 into the environment
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    • Occurred during the 18th century
    • Fossil fuels were introduced
    • Food could be grown quicker than before
    • Shipping costs were lowered
    • Harmful toxins such as Co2 and other greenhouse gasses were released into the environment
    • Negative effect on natural resources
    • Increase of harmful manmade entities.
  • Present Day

    • Fossil Fuels are still being used, but are being slowly phased out as the negative effects of the environment were proven
    • Agriculture still occurs in many rural areas
    • Industrialization is still common today.