
By panda7
  • William Penn

    William Penn
    Pennsylvania colony governor William Penn ordered colonists to conserve one tree for every five cut down. We should know about this event because it shows that the colonist was using the resource and replenishing it. It impacts me today because if it was not for the colonist then they would not be as much forestry in Pennslyvania. Our community memebers should learn about this event because they will realize thay they can help the environment by using any types of resources while replenishing it
  • Congress passed the Yellowstone Act

    Congress passed the Yellowstone Act
    Congress passed the Yellowstone Act, making Yellowstone the first national park "dedicated and set apart as a public park or pleasuring ground for the benefit and enjoyment of the people" and "for the preservation, from injury or spoilation, of all timber, mineral deposits, natural curiosities, or wonders. . . and their retention in their natural condition." we should know about this event because national parks are for people to enjoy and not for lumber or mining companies to damage it.
  • Georgia v. Tennessee Copper Company and Ducktown Sulphur

    Georgia v. Tennessee Copper Company and Ducktown Sulphur
    Georgia filed suit against the Tennessee Copper Company and Ducktown Sulphur because fumes from the companies were coming across the state border and polluting communities, killing forests, and making Georgians ill. We should know about this event because if Georgia did not sue Tennesee Copper company then forest would be destroyed and Georgians would get sick. It impacts me today because the fumes could of gotten me sick and forest would be destroyed if Georgia did not win.
  • Congress established the National Park Service

    Congress established the National Park Service
    Congress established the National Park Service. Today there are approximately 400 national parks across America, comprising approximately 4% of the entire U.S., or 84.6 billion acres of preserved land. We should know this event because we should be happy that our future generations can enjoy the parks. It impacts me today because without the parks then most of the forest would have been destroyed. Community members to learn about the envent because they should appreciate the national parks.
  • President Franklin Roosevelt asked Congress to pass the Emergency Conservation Work Act

    President Franklin Roosevelt asked Congress to pass the Emergency Conservation Work Act
    Under the Act, thousands of unemployed young men were recruited into a “peacetime army” called the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), also known as “Roosevelt’s tree army.” Their job was to protect against erosion and the destruction of natural resources. We should know about this event because young men got an oppotunity to have a job and they protected against erosion and destruction of natural resources. It impacts me today becauase if the CCC did not exist then erosion woud happen more.
  • Congress passed the Bald Eagle Preservation Act

    Congress passed the Bald Eagle Preservation Act
    Bald Eagle Preservation Act was to prevent the extinction of the national symbol. The bald eagle was removed from the endangered species list in 2007. We should know about this event because if the Bald Eagle became extinct, then our national symbol would be weakened. It impacts me today because it feels good that our national symbol has regenerated from almost becoming extinct. It is important for community members to learn about the event because the Bald Eagle is our national symbol.
  • The Antarctic Treaty

    The Antarctic Treaty
    The Antarctic Treaty protected Antarctica from the dumping of nuclear waste. To date, 46 countries, including the United States and the former Soviet Union have signed the treaty. We shoud know about this event because if the treaty was not created then the Antartic would be suffering badly due to the nucear waste. The event impacts me today because without the treaty Antartic's climate or environment might have changed significantly.
  • Congress passed the Wilderness Act

    Congress passed the Wilderness Act
    Wilderness Act established the National Wilderness Preservation System to “secure for the American people of present and future generations the benefits of an enduring resource of wilderness.” We should learn about this event because the Wilderness Act secured uninhabited land for people in our generations to enjoy. It impacts me today becuase without the wilderness act, there might be a limited amount of wilderness in the future.
  • Water Quality Act

    Water Quality Act
    President Johnson signed the Water Quality Act to strengthen federal water pollution laws and outline water quality guidelines for states. We should know about the event because the water qualty act ensured that citizens would get clean water. It impacts me today because without the quality act I could of gotten sick from the water. Community memebers should learn about the event because they would realize that without the water act citizens would of gotten sick.
  • NASA released the “Blue Marble”

    NASA released the “Blue Marble”
    NASA released the “Blue Marble” photo of earth from space, giving Americans a first ‘outside’ look at their planet. The photo helped raise awareness of environmental issues.We should know about this event because the photo of the earth was the first for everyone to see how the earth looked like. This event impacts me today becuase I know how the earth looks like and see the environment issues. Community memebers should learn about this event to have knowledge of how the earth looks like.
  • Cleveland’s Cuyahoga River ignited

    Cleveland’s Cuyahoga River ignited
    Cleveland’s Cuyahoga River ignited, as the chemicals and pollution floating on top of the water caught fire. We should know about this event becasue we should of prohibited or regulated chemicals and pollution on top of the water. It impacts me today because we have learned that we needed to regulate chemicals and pollution on top of the water. Community memebers should learn about the event so they can stop pollution and chemical in the water which would help purify the water more.
  • The National Environmental Policy Act

    The National Environmental Policy Act
    The National Environmental Policy Act was one of the first laws to establish the broad national framework for protecting the environment. The Act demanded that all braches of government give proper consideration to the environment prior to building airports, buildings, military complexes, highways, parks, and other activities. We should know about this event because the National Environmental Policy Act protects the environment and lets government have consideration to the environment.
  • Environmental Protection Agency

    Environmental Protection Agency
    The Environmental Protection Agency was established to “create and maintain conditions under which man and nature can exist in productive harmony.” We should know about this event because the EPA make desicions that helps both humans and nature. It impacts me because I live in a coutnry where the water is clean, and there isnt as much pollution as other countries. Commmunity members should learn about the EPA because the EPA makes right desicions that benifits and unify humans and nature.
  • Earth Day

    Earth Day
    Earth day was the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. Earth day are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. We should know about this event because it is a day where we defend and and support environmental protection. It impacts me because Earth day is when people do acts where they support the environent. Community memebrs should learn about this event because it is a worldwide holiday and people should inspire and take action for the environment protection.
  • Congress passed the Endangered Species Act

    Congress passed the Endangered Species Act
    Congress passed the Endangered Species Act to protect what are now known as Endangered Species from possible extinction. We should know about the act because when animals become extinct it will hurt our environment. It impacts me because whenever a species are endangered it means that either humans or natural disaster killed their species to a point where there is almost none left. Community members should learn about the event to let people aware that we always should protect animals.
  • Safe Drinking Water Act

    Safe Drinking Water Act
    Congress passed the Safe Drinking Water Act to be administered by the EPA, protecting Americans from contaminated drinking water. The EPA still regulates public drinking water as a result of the act. We should know about this act because if we did not have clean drinking water people would get sick. It impacts me today because if the act was not passed then my health would be in danger and the dirty water can have harmful bacteria or parasites.
  • The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act

    The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
    The act Act was established to provide funds for cleaning of uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites, along with accidents, spills, and other emergency releases of pollutants or contaminants into the environment. The Act also gave the EPA power to prosecute polluters. We should know about the event because the act funded to clean hazardous waste sites, spills, accidents, and pollutants. It impacts me because the act helps humans and nature by making the waste sites and habitat cleaner
  • The Exxon Valdez oil spill

    The Exxon Valdez oil spill
    The Exxon Valdez oil spill dumped 11 million gallons of oil, devastating Prince William Sound off the coast of Alaska, and images of oil-soaked ocean life flood American homes. We should know about the event because the oild spill effected the environment significiantly. It impacts me today because the oil spill polluted the coast of Alask and it takes a long time to clean up the mess. Community memebers should learn about this because the oild spill effected Alaska's environment.
  • The Oil Pollution Act

    The Oil Pollution Act
    The Oil Pollution Act streamlined the EPA’s ability to prevent and clean up catastrophic oil spills. We should know about this event because EPA make a right move by cleaning up catastrophic oild spills. It impacts me today because without the EPA ability to cllean up the oill, it would kil alot of organisms and could get people sick. Community member should learn about this even because they should feel thankful that EPA cleans up oil spills to help the environment.
  • Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife:

    Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife:
    The Defenders of Wildlife sued the Department of the Interior to modify the Endangered Species Act to apply to U.S. actions taken in foreign nations, rather than actions only in the U.S. or at sea, We shoud learn about this event because the government should save endangered animals domestically and internationally. It impacts me today becuase animalls that becomes extinct hurts our environment. Community members should know about this event so they can become aware and save endangered animals.
  • The Earth Summit

    The Earth Summit
    The Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, resulting in the signing of the Convention on Climate Change and the Earth Charter, a global pledge to control global warming. We should know about the event because we need to become aware of global warming. It impacts me today if they was not a signing then nobody would really care about global warming and that would be bad down the road. Community memebers should learn about this so they can become aware and spread the message.
  • Julia Butterfly Hill,

    Julia Butterfly Hill,
    Julia Butterfly Hill, age 23, lived for 735 days in the top of a 180-feet tall California Coast Redwood tree and successfully blocked its destruction. We should know about this event because it shows that citizens can change the environment. Julia blcked deforestation to occur by living on top of the Redwood tree. This impacts me because it motivates me to want to help the environment like Julia did. Community members should learn about this event so they can become aware and take action.
  • Air Quality Standards

    Air Quality Standards
    The EPA Issued New Air Quality Standards to control daily “small” or “fine” particulate matter—soot, dust, and particles too small to see. We should know about this event because without the the air quality standards alot of people's health will be affected by this. It impacts me because without the air quality standard I would have to breathe in bad particles matter and that will efffect my health. Community memebrs should know about this event because they should be happy the air is clean.
  • An Inconvenient Truth

    An Inconvenient Truth
    Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore released An Inconvenient Truth, and the following year, won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to raise awareness about global warming. We should learn about this event becuase Al Gore helped global warming by educationg and influencing people to reduce global warming. It impacts me because people should be more like Al Gore and raise awareness about global warming. Community members should learn about this event so they can bring awareness to people.
  • San Francisco Oil Spill

    San Francisco Oil Spill
    On November 7, a South Korea bound container ship struck a tower supporting the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge spilling 58,000 gallons of oil in the San Francisco Bay. Dozens of dead and injured seabirds were immediately found following the spill. We should know about this event because the oil spills destrys the organisms living in the ocean and the environment. It impacts me today because if we did not clean the coastline then the San Fransico bay would be dirty.