Environmental Movements

  • Period: to

    Environmental Campaigns

  • Love Canal

    Love Canal
    In 1953 Hooker Chemical Company sold their old waste site to Niagara Falls School Board for $1, but had not buried the waste properly so after some time it started to leak out and caused a large amount of controversy years later.
  • Silent Spring published September

    Silent Spring published September
    This book by Rachel Carson was written to document the dangers of using pesticide on wildlife. It caused lots of controversy and led to many law changes and also the movement that led to the EPA being formed.
  • EPA Established

    EPA Established
    Environmental Protection Agency or EPA was set up in the U.S.A to help regulate the problems in the environment caused by human’s and to try to fix the problem, for example they banned ocean dumping in the U.S.A. EPA has also spread throughout the world with many states in Victoria having their own EPA organisation.
  • First Earth Day

    First Earth Day
    Earth Day started out a a nation wide protest against the current pollution that was happening in America worked. It started the process for the Clean Air act and the Clean Water Act. Earth Day today is now about the same thing but fighting for different parts of the environment that are still under threat.
  • DDT banned in the U.S.A

    DDT banned in the U.S.A
    DDT was a pesticide used commonly in the early 20th century, but was also very dangerous. DDT quickly came under scrutiny by environmental groups and the Environmental Defence Fund was set up by a group of scientist and lawyers to try to get DDT to be banned. They were successful in 1972 but DDT manufactures tried to overturn the ruling and failed in 1973.
  • Wilderness society Formed

    Wilderness society Formed
    This was originally o protest group against the Tasmanian Hydro-Electric Commission and their planned dams in Tasmania. After it became a advocacy group it started to spread inter-state and also overseas.
  • Chernobyl exploded

    Chernobyl exploded
    Chernobyl was a USSR nuclear power station that went into meltdown due to faults in repair and handling of the power station. It’s explosion caused huge amounts of radiation to come flooding out and spill over the surrounding area. This led to many protests against nuclear power stations all around the world because of the potential damage they could cause.
  • Exxon Valdez oil spill

    Exxon Valdez oil spill
    This was one of the largest oil spills of the time. It was caused by a faulty radar system that failed to warn the crew of the reef which they grounded upon. This caused major damage to wildlife and showed just how dangerous oil is to the environment.
  • First U.N Earth Summit

    First U.N Earth Summit
    This was a U.N conference set up to help Governments to rethink economic development and help find ways to stop the destruction of the earth and is natural recourses. Some of the main focuses of the summit was putting an emphasis on public transport and moving away from fossil fuels.
  • Kyoto Protocol

    Kyoto Protocol
    The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement that commits governments or state parties to reduce greenhouse emissions because of global warming. No countries have managed to reach the goal as of yet and some have dropped out.
  • Bibliography

    Earth Day: The History of a Movement | Earth Day Network. 2014. Earth Day: The History of a Movement | Earth Day Network. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.earthday.org/earth-day-history-movement. [Accessed 16 October 2014]. The Wilderness Society. 2014. The Wilderness Society. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.wilderness.org.au. [Accessed 16 October 2014]. Environment Protection Authority | EPA Victoria . 2014. Environment Protection Authority | EPA Victoria . [ONLINE] Available at: http://w