Environmental Movement project

  • Bishnoi Movement

    The Bishnoi Movement was a movent in India in wich 363 Bishnois died while saving trees.
  • 1 billion

  • 2 billion

  • Founding of IUCN

    The IUCN was the first global environmental union, brought together governments and civil organizations with a shared goal to protect nature.
  • Minamata

    Neurological disease caused by severe mercury poisoning.
  • 3 billion

  • Silent spring

    “Silent Spring” is a book published in 1962 in California, the USA; by Rachel Carson. Who started the revolutionary journey to march the environmental movement.
  • Rachel's Carson's Silent Spring Published

    This book documented the adverse environmental effects caused by the indiscriminate use of pesticides
  • Danish Environmental Movement

    NOAH establishment day was more than an environmental movement. It was an act of returning the destruction that we are causing every day to nature.
  • Anti Nuclear Movement

    Reemerged as a major social movement after the energy crisis of the early 1970s. The big energy crisis and associated efforts to both expand nuclear power and provide nuclear safety brought many nuclear issues.
  • First Earth Day attracts millions

    Twenty million Americans take part in the first Earth Day. Large-scale environmental activism, leading to the creation of the (EPA) and legislation including the Clean Air Act.
  • Gaia Hypothesis

    The Gia Hypothesis is a principle that states all organisms and their inorganic surroundings are integrated to form single and complex systems to maintain life conditions on the planet.
  • Chipko Andolan

    Was a forest conservation movement in India. It was triggered by a government decision to allot forest land to a sports good company.
  • 4 billion

  • Whaling

    Commercial Whaling devastated the world's biggest whale species, pushing some of them to the brink of extinction. This movement was created to help preserve these animals.
  • Silent Valley Project

    Was a social movement aimed at the protection of Silent Valley, an evergreen tropical forest in the Palakkad district of Kerala, India.
  • Bhopal

    Due to faulty safety mechanisms, water accidentally entered a pipe and poured into a giant tank of methyl isocyanate. The next morning about 2,259 to 3,787 people were reported dead.
  • chernobyl

    The Chernobyl disaster was a nuclear accident that occurred in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, near the city of Pripyat.
  • Navdanya

    Non- governmental organization which promotes biodiversity conservation, biodiversity, organic farming, the rights of farmers, and the process of seed saving.
  • 5 billion

  • Recycling goes curbside

    Woodbury, New Jersey became the first town to make its curbside pickup program mandatory for residents.
  • Kyoto

    The Kyoto Protocol was an international treaty that commits state parties to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and that global warming is occurring and human-made CO2 emissions are driving it.
  • Hybrid cars gain ground

    Toyota introduces the Prius in Japanmaking a hybrid gas-electric vehicle widely available to consumers for the first time.
  • 6 billion

  • Documentary film An Inconvenient Truth released.

    An Inconvenient Truth released is a film about the environment. Featuring U.S president Al Gore, for his lecture tours on the human challenges of global warming and climate change.
  • 7 billion

  • The Paris Agreement goes into effect

    To combat climate change, signatory countries agree to limit global temperature rise in the 21st century to 2 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels.
  • Global Action Strike

    Thousand of climate strikes will take place to demand urgent action to tackle the climate crisis. This will be done by marching, social media, and my expression of art.