Environmental Movement

  • National parks

    National parks
    The creation of national parks was a big leap forward in the environmental movement, the first national park created in the United States was Yellowstone, later followed Sequoia and the Grand Canyon. These national parks were used to preserve national land marks and wildlife. This greatly impacted the work by making sure that certain area was protected and the land marks and wildlife were protected as well.
  • Minamata Disease

    Minamata Disease
    The Minamata disease was an out break on the island of Minamata in Japan. This event was also know as the dancing cats, this outbreak was a cause from a factory that leaked mercury into the water, contaminating the fish with mercury.
  • Silent Spring

    Silent Spring
    Silent spring was a book, written by Racheal Carson in 1962. This book contained information about pesticides and how they are harm full to the environment and how DDT also harms the environment. The book greatly impacted the environmental movement and lead to the ban of DDT.
  • Bhopal indecent

    Bhopal indecent
    The bhopal indecent was error inside a factory causing toxic gases to come from the factory and spread, the gases spread into the water and killed and injured thousands. This happened in India and was a British owned factory. None knows really how this leak happened, some believed that it was sabotaged or and water leak
  • Chernobyl

    The Chernobyl disaster was a failure of a nuclear reactor in Ukraine. This disaster reached the destructive ness as Fukushima and was caused the testing of the reactor but when testing the power went out causing the reactor to fail and the radiation spread in result.
  • Julie “Butterfly” Hill

    Julie “Butterfly” Hill
    Julie “butterfly” hill is an activist that strongly believed that cutting down redwood trees and clearing them was wrong and we should protect them at all cost. She spent more than 2 years in a redwood tree named luna, about 200 feet in the air. She was helped by other college students and her actions gravely impacted the environmental movement.
  • No Impact Man

    No Impact Man
    No impact man was a movie by Colin Beavan and documents his life on trying to go “green” in the city of New York. He and his wife and daughter give up electricity, gas-powered transportation, shipped foods and public waste disposal. The purpose of this movie was to show people and make them aware of the environmental footprint. This movie motivate many people around the world to try and do the same and showed people that they can make a diferencie.
  • Fukushima

    Fukushima was a nuclear meltdown in Japan, this was rated as the second worsted nuclear meltdowns in the world. This was caused by the cooling system shutting down. This brought new safety standards worldwide when it came to nuclear activity.
  • Harambe

    Harambe was a gorila in the Cincinnati zoo, one day a child and his mother were visiting the zoo when the child unexpectedly fell into the enclosure. The zoo keeper in fear shot at the gorila killing it, the gorila haded made any aggressive actions toward the child other than moving close to it. Activists were outraged that the gorila was shot and killed even though it never attacked the child
  • Orange County oil spill

    Orange County oil spill
    The Orange County oil spill was an oil spill off the coast of Long Beach. This was caused by a cargo ships anchor hitting an amplify energy pipeline spilling 144,000 gallons of oil into the ocean. Birds and marine wildlife were greatly impacted and became ill after the incident and fishing in the area of the oil spill was banned for the time being. This also effect people in the nearby areas.