Environmental movement

By Rhodree
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    Silent Spring

    A Pesticide called DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane) which was used to get rid of diseases and bugs. Over the years the pesticide had been giving side effects. Later on a woman wrote a book called Silent Spring Source: EPA
  • Minimata disease

    In Minimata Bay in Japan, methyl mercury spilled into the bay causing people a sickness to people one symptom was sensory disorders.
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    Bhopal chemical explosion

    In the city of Bhopal in India, a deadly gas called gas methyl isocyanate spilled into the water causing disabilities, cancers, and people to die or injury Source: Britannica
  • Fukishima incident

    In Daichi Plant in northern Japan a nuclear accident happened causing the NRA or the nuclear authority of Japan enforced regulations