Period: to
Env Law
Lacey Event
No trade in illegally sold wildlife, fish, and plants. -
National Park Service Act
Established the National Park Service (NPS). -
Soil Conservation Act
The government payed farmers to conserve their soil use for crops. -
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act
Regulates pesticide use to improve health of people and environment -
Clean Air Act
States gained technology to research air pollution control. -
Fish and Wildlife Act
Regulated fishing industry to prevent extinction. -
Price-Anderson Act
The nuclear industry had liability and insurance from accidents -
Wilderness Act
Created National Wilderness Preservation System. The president could also help other countries in preserving biodiversity. -
Water Resources Planning Act
Frequently assesed how much water supply each state had. -
Land and Water Conservation Act
Created protected areas and parks to maintain natural resources -
Water Quality Act
Directed the states to develop water quality standards. -
Species Conservation Act
Named animals that were endangered and provided little protection -
Freedom of Information Act
The people could access gov. information they wanted. -
National Trails System Act
Created a trails sytem for people to enjoy the wilderness. -
National Environmental Policy Act
National policy to promote enhancement of the environment -
Clean Water Act
Provided assitance to states to prevent polllution of water sources, and maintained wetlands. -
Marine Mammal Protection Act
Prohibits marine animal poaching, and regulated sell and trade of animal products -
Endangered Species Act
Protect endangered species from urbanization -
Renewable Resources Planning Act
U.S. Forest Service regulates wood production and establshes quotas -
Safe Drinking Water Act
Set standards for drinking water quality -
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
Ensure that international trade of wild animals and plants does not threaten the survival of the species in the wild -
Federal Land Policy and Management Act
Public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management are managed -
Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act
RPA requires that a renewable resource assessment and a Forest Service plan be prepared every ten and five years -
National Forest Management Act
Forest Service provided sytematic approach to resource management -
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
Regulated disposal andconservation of natural resources and hazardous materials. -
Soil and Water Conservation Act
USDA prepares plans for national resource conservation based on current resources. -
Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act
regulation of surface coal mining operations and abandines mines -
Arctic Conservation Act
Protects Antarctica from invasive species, illegal poaching, and pollutants -
Energy Tax Act
Promote fuel efficiency and renewable energy through taxes and tax credits. -
Low Level Radioactive Policy Act
Each state was responsible for disposing LLRW generated within its boundaries -
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act
Clean up sites contaminated with hazardous waste -
Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act
States gets assistance for conservation programs for nongame fish and wildlife. -
Nuclear Waste Policy Act
Regulate disposal of radiaoactive and hazardous waste -
International Environmental Protection Act
President can assist other countries in wildlife and plant protection to preserve biological diversity. -
Food Security Act
Established a dairy herd buyout program and lowed price of commodities -
Emergency Wetlands Resources Act
Promoted the conservation of wetlands and endured protection of migratory birds -
Montreal Protocol
Protect the ozone layer by stopping the production of substances responsible for ozone depletion. -
Ocean Dumping Ban Act
Stop ocean disposal of materials -
Environmental Education Act
Problems that need to be fixed or addressed by improving environmental education. -
Pollution Prevention Act
Created a national policy to have pollution prevented or reduced at the source wherever possible. -
Waste Reduction Act
Improve EPA reduction of toxic chemical emissions across all States -
California Desert Protection Act
Established the Death Valley and Joshua Tree National Parks and the Mojave National Preserve in the California desert. -
Food Quality Protection Act
It mandated a health-based standard for pesticides used in foods -
Kyoto Protocol
UNFCCC prevented further global warming by reducing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere -
Madrid Protocol
Comprehensive protection of the Antarctic environment