World Population Reaches 1 billion
World Population reaches 1 billion in 1804 -
Establishment of national forests
gives the president what forests to protect -
Lacey Act
A United States law that bans trafficking of illegal wildlife. Prohibits trade in wildlife, fish, and plants that have been illegally taken, possesed, sold or transported. -
Migratory Bird Act
The protection of migratory birds between the United States and Great Britain -
bald eagle protection act
IT protects the bald eagle since i was chosen as the U.S.A. national emblem -
public health service act
responsibility for preventing the introduction, transmission and spread of communicable diseases from foreign countries into the United States. -
Everglades National Park
1.5-million-acre wetlands preserve on the southern tip of Florida. -
World Population Reaches 3 billion
The world population reaches 3 billion in 1959 -
Antarctic treaty system
multiple treaties and international relations. -
Silent Springs Published
Silent Spring was published on September 27,1962 -
clean air act
Federal law designed to protect our air from pollution on a notional level. -
Wilderness Act
Sets aside designated wilderness areas for recreational or scientific use or use as wildlife habitats. -
DDT banned
DDT was a commonly used pesticides but in 1972 got banned -
National Environment Policy Act
A United States environment law to ensure that all the branches of government give proper consideration to the environment before taking federal action that significantly affects the environment -
First Earth Day
First earth day was April 22, 1970. Founded by United States senator Gaylord Nelson. -
Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species
A multilateral treaty to protect endangered plants and animals -
EPA Formed
United States protection agency for environmental protection. -
water quality act
governs the water pollution. -
clean water act
governs over water population -
U.N. environment programme created
OPEC Oil Embargo
Arab members of OPEC proclaimed an oil embargo against the United States. -
Endangered Species Act
Protect and recover imperiled species and their ecosystems. -
world food summit
World Food Summits are convened by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations -
world environment day
the international treaty about the environment -
Resource Conservation and recovery act
Gives the EPA permission to control hazardous waste. -
Toxic Substances Control Act
Regulates the introduction of new or existing chemicals. Report, keep records, and testing requirements and restrictions relating to chemical substances and mixtures. -
Alternative Energy Institute
West Texas A&M University's alternative energy research branch. Research and development in the use of alternative resources like wind, solar, and biomass. -
Love Canal Disaster
Niagara Falls in Upstate New York. A neighborhood sat on a 70 acer landfill. Which was a massive environmental pollution disaster. -
three mile island accident
It was the biggest accident in U.S. commercial nuclear power plant history. -
Union Carbide Plant Explosion
Methyl isocyanate leak from Union Carbide India Limited plant. The worst industrial disaster -
Chernobyl Nuclear explosion
It was a huge Nuclear accident -
World Population Reaches 5 billion
World population reaches 5 billion in 1987. -
Montreal Protocol
A global agreement to protect the stratospheric ozone layer by decreasing the production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances -
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
11 millions gallons of oil was spilled in Prince William Sound, Alaska. One of the most damaging spills in environmental history. -
gulf war oil spill
The largest oil spill ever and lead up to the gulf war -
First U.N Summit
The leaders of countries discussed ways of protecting the environment and preserving the Earth's biodiversity -
food quality protection act
Safety that has tolorences towards food quality -
kyoto protocol
an agreement to on climate change -
BP Oil Spill (Deep Horizon)
Explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. The largest marine oil spill in U.S. history -
World Population Reaches 7 billion
World population reaches 7 billion in 2011 -
Paris Climate Accord
An agreement with the UN Framework convention on climate change, focusing on on greenhouse gas emission, adaptation, and finance.