EJ Timeline - Chemicals / Rachel Carson

  • The Contemperary Environmental Movement

    The Contemperary Environmental Movement
    With the publication of Silent Spring, Carson is credited with launching the contemporary environmental movement and awakening concern for the environment.
  • Silent Spring was published

    Silent Spring was published
    Rachel Carson's book, Silent Spring, shed light on the damage that man-made pesticides inflict on the environment.
  • The ban of DDT

    The ban of DDT
    Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) is a potent insecticide used worldwide for agriculture and public health. DDT was found to be a concern due to its toxic effects on wildlife and humans. Rachel Carson's book, Silent Spring influenced several conversation policies, including the ban of DDT in 1972.
  • Chernobyl Disaster

    Chernobyl Disaster
    an explosion and fire demolished the reactor causing large amounts of radiation was released
  • Fukushima Disaster

    Fukushima Disaster
    a tsunami caused 3 of the 6 reactors at the plant as severe core damage and released radioactive materials