Pollution Timeline

  • Donora, Pennsylvania Pollution

    Donora, Pennsylvania Pollution
    In October of 1948, 20 people were suffocated and more than 7,000 became seriously ill due to severe air pollution over Donora, Pennsylvania.
  • Air Pollution Control Act of 1955

    Air Pollution Control Act of 1955
    The incident in Donora led to the creation of the Air Pollution Control Act of 1955, this was the first federal legislation involving air pollution
  • Cuyahoga River Fires

    Cuyahoga River Fires
    The Cuyahoga River fires inspired the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement that established federal and state environmental protection agencies.
  • Oil Pollution Act of 1990

    Oil Pollution Act of 1990
    Oil Pollution Act of 1990 prohibits the discharge of oil into navigable rivers.
  • Dumping in Dixie, by Robert D. Bullard

    Dumping in Dixie, by Robert D. Bullard
    Dr. Bullard has published eighteen books on environmental racism, his first, "Dumping in Dixie," raised awareness for African-American communities being affected by dangerous chemicals in the air