Castle Bravo
This was the codename given to the testing of the united states first hydrogen bomb. This was supposed to be a secret test and instead ending up being so much more powerful than expected neabry islands where people lived expericed fallout symptoms from the radation from the bomb -
SIlent Spring
When this book was relieased the impact it had upon people was outstanding. this opened peoples eyes to all the effects that they were really having upon the enviorment -
The Palomare Incident
On this date in history a B-52G crashsed into KC-135 Tanker during mid flight refueling when this happened a series of bombs was relased into the ocean and it took a few months just to even recover the last of the bombs -
Eccocide in Vietnam
In vietanm a great deal of the land was destroyed due to the war that took place
as a result the land suffered a great deal of vegatation died off and the land was a lot less habitable for plant and animal life alikie -
Amoco Cadiz
Amoco Cadiz was a very large crude oil tanker that ran aground.
It split in three and ended up being one of the largest oil spills ever -
Three Mile Island accident
This was a nuclear meltdown that occured in the late 70's. This was the worset nuclear disaster to ever take place on U.S. soil. The event was rated a 5 out of 7 of the International Nuclear Event Scale -
Exxon Valdez oil spill
On this date an oil tanker headed for Long Beach California struck a coral reef and burst open. when this happened massive amounts of crude oil were spilled into the ocean enviorment, destroying the reefs and killing off many fish -
Kuwaiti oil fires
These fires were started by Iraqi Millitary Forcees.
They did of as a part of a scorch earth poilcy,
These fires released ridiclous amounts of C02 into the atomosphere -
A giant fire near Mosul, Iraq was ignited when the largest amount of sulfur-dioxide ever recored was released
alot of people in the surrounding area were hosiptalized and almost all near by vegitation was killled -
Jilin chemical plant explosions
This was mutipule explonsions at a chemical plant where compounds are made and processed. This plant was located i north earsten China in Jilin Six people died in the explosions fortunatly alot of people were able to get out -
Sidoarjo Mud Flow
This is the result of an erupting mud volcano in Indonesia its been erupting since May of 2006.
This volcano is expected to flow for another 25 or 30 years
The flow has been contained since 2008 however cannot be stopped at this time -
KIngston Fissil Plant Coal Ash Spill
On this cold winters morning a dike that was supposed to be containing coal ash rupturerd and burst. before long over a billion gallions of coal ash was leaked into the air. This is the largest amount of ash ever released into the air in the United States to date -
Deep water horizon BP oil spill
On this date an oil rig exploded releasing tons of crude oil fuel in to the gulf coast.
Traces of this spill can still b e found today
many animals were killed due to the oil posioning their natural enviorment -
Fukushima Daiichi diaster
Fukushima was a power plant on the island of Japan. At the power plant in the spring of 2011 disatser struct. In a matter of hours the island had experienced a massive amount of destructuion. all due to the exploding power plant. -
Great Pacific garbage patch
Rather than being an event like most other things on the timline this is a place that exisits today it is where all the trash and grabage that gets into the ocean evntually travels to and gets caught at -
Door to Hell
This is an event but rather a place, located in Turmenistan
The door to hell is a natural gas fire that is a constantly burning natural gas fire that burns slighty under the surface -
Libby, Montana Asbestos Contamination
In the small town of Libby Montanta there is a mine in which most of the towns people work at. This mine began releasing asbestos contamination and thus posioning the town. People had to be evauated from the mine and the immidate surrounding area due to the contamination