Environmental Concerns

By _sams_
  • ⭐ Second Wave of Environmentalism

    ⭐ Second Wave of Environmentalism
    Environmentalism is the concern about and action aimed to protect the environment. This wave of environmentalism was built up from Canadians who were beginning to worry about the impacts of human activity on the environment, and the people who worried weren't just restricted to naturalist groups as well. One of the major concerns was pollution (Hummel para 14) (Dasgupta para 3).
    Picture: (Environementalism 2017)
  • ⭐ Creation of the Nature Conservancy of Canada

    ⭐ Creation of the Nature Conservancy of Canada
    The Nature Conservatory of Canada is the largest land conservaton charity in Canada. Their goal is to purchase and protect diverse habitats and species. This charity was created in Toronto, Ontario in 1962 by a small group of naturalists. They began by buying a small piece of land in 1968 that protected species of orchids and today, they have bought and protected over 15 million hectares of land in Canada (Reeves para 2) (Who We Are para 1).
    Picture: (TransCanada 2015)
  • Creation of the Pollution Probe Foundation

    Creation of the Pollution Probe Foundation
    Founded by the students and teacher of the University of Toronto in 1969. The Pollution Probe Foundation is a registered charity of Canada since 1971. They were involved in advancing the federal regulations to controlling sulphur in fuel, smelter in emissions, and greenhouse gases from vehicles.The famous phrase "reduce, re-use, recycle," was created by this foundation (Pollution Probe Foundation para 1 & 2 & 4) (Ricci para 6).
    Picture: (Pollution Probe 2022)
  • Algae Blooms in Lake Erie

    Algae Blooms in Lake Erie
    Algae was building up in the 1960s in Lake Erie, and in 1970, Lake Erie was declared dead. The algae was grown from the excess nitrogen and phosphorus from agriculture and products like detergent, which boosted the growth of the algae. The algea blocked decreased the amount of sunlight and oxygen (Toxic Algae Bloom in Lake Erie para 1) (Coalkey & Charlton para 5).
    Picture: (Google Earth 2011)
  • ⭐ Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement

    ⭐ Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement
    Signed between Canada and USA, this agreement not only improved the water quality of the great lakes, but strengthened the relationship between the two nations. This agreement help contribute to the quality of life many Canadians have today due to the actions of the agreement (Klyza para 1).
    Picture: (Hartig 2022)