Migratoty Bird Trety
This treaty was created to protect birds because they are a source of food and todestroy insects injurious to forests and forage plants on the public domain -
First Eath day
The first earth day was ultimatly started with Gaylord Nelson then a U.S senator form wisconsin inspired by the student anti-war movement. Making him a very popular and his made EPA -
United nations conference on the human environment
This is ultimately supposed to be a peac treay and to stop harming everything but to help everything making this very hard to follow -
Wildlife protection act is passed
The need to protect our wildlife has come from awarness ro resore the crucial ecological balance in nature -
Arctic waters pollution prevention act
This act was made ro prevent pollution of areas of rhe arctic waters. -
Clean air act addresses toxic rain with air pollution
The clean air act was designed to conrol ai pollution on anational level. 1990 ammendments addrsed acid rain and toxic air pollution making EPA have enforced authority and established new auto mobil reformulation requirments -
Earth Summit
This was created to adrress system scurtiny or pattern of production, growing scarcity of water, alterntive sourcss of energy to replace the use of fossil fuels linked to climate change, new reliance on public transporttion systems to reduce vehicle emssions. -
One tonne challenge
This is a national campaighn to reduce their grenhouse gasses by one tonne -
Kyoto Protocol
The kyoto protocol id focued on reducing green house emissions. 192 countries signed up for this including Canada but Canada withdrew from the kyoto ptotoccol to avoid th 14billion dollar penalty -
Canada plans signs to reduce emmsisions by 157
The coppenhagon Accord is pretty much the same as the Kyoto protocols but focuses more on climate change