Envio Timeline

  • John Muir

    John Muir
    "Father of National Parks"-- Petioned to establish and protect Yosemite National Park
  • Walden

    A book that sparked reflection upon nature and our surroundings
  • Yellowstone National Park

    Yellowstone National Park
    Yellowstone National Park, located in Wyoming, was established by US Congress and identified as the first national park in the world. The park comprises of hundreds of species, lakes, canyons, and historical sites.
  • American Forestry Association

    Established by physician John Aston Warder in Chicago with the goal of leading the conservation movement for many forests
  • Sequoia National Park

    A park abundant in natural resources, giant Sequoia trees, and mountains, was founded in California. Sequoia National Park is home to the largest tree in the world.
  • Yosemite National Park

    In the central eastern region of California, a national park was founded to preserve natural habitats and organisms.
  • Sierra Club

    Founded in San Fransisco by John Muir, the club promoted lobbying politicians to pass enviromentally concious policies.
  • Lacey Act

    Created punishments for those who delibrately harm plants or animals. Offered regulations to preserve and help endangered species.
  • Golden Age of Conservation

  • First National Wildlife Refuge Established

  • National Audubon Society

    Founded in the US with the emphasis resting on the protection of birds and other wildlife.
  • US Forest Service

    The US Forest Service oversees the handling of national lands. It serves as an umbrella to the environmental divisions like the National Forest System, State and Private Forestry, Business Operations, and the Research and Development Branch.
  • Antiquities Act

    Described presidential authoirty to make environmental decisions, such as preservation of land with characteristics important to nature.
  • Aldo Leopold

    Aldo Leopold
    Helped establish modern viewpoints of the protecting the environment and valuing nature. Large influence on the Forest Service in Arizona and New Mexico.
  • US National Park Service

  • Period: to

    Dust Bowl

    Period during the 30s in which agriculture and farming were severly damaged by the dust storms that became prevalent in the decade.
  • Soil Conservation Service

    Uses partnerships through federal and private means to provide service for landowners and farmers by means of contributing to research and payments.
  • Civilian Conservation Corps

    Used as a program to help laid-off workers recieve pay while in the midst of the Great Depression.
  • Taylor Grazing Act

    Allows grazing on public lands excluding times in which grazing in extremely unwarranted
  • Fish and Wildlife Service

    Manages well-being of fish and other wildlife by regulating behavior towards natural habitats and species.
  • Silent Spring - Rachel Carson

    Described those affected by the constant use of pesticides, especially birds. Opened public eye to environmental awareness.
  • Clean Air Act

    Clean Air Act
  • National Environmental Policy Act

    Served as the platform for modern US environmental decisions; encouraged discourse regarding the environment.
  • First Earth Day

  • Environmental Protection Agency

    Environmental Protection Agency
  • Clean Water Act

    Manages pollution in America's water
  • Endangered Species Act

  • Roland/Molina announce CFCs depleting Ozone Layer

  • Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

    Manages the disposal of chemicals harmful to the general well-being of Americans
  • Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act

    Minimizes harmful effects of US coal mining.
  • Love Canal, NY

    A neighborhood in which the polluted water led to a massive amount of birth defects among children; led to political discourse concerning regulations.
  • 3 Mile Island Accident

    Event in which 1/2 of the nuclear reactors on 3 mile island experienced meltdowns; disastrous effects on surrounding ecosystems
  • Bhopal Gas Tragedy

    Toxins from Union Carbide India Limited were leaked into a nearby neighboorhood. Death toll exceeded 3,000.
  • Chernobyl Disaster

    An explosion of the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant in Ukraine lead to the exposure of Europe to the radioactive particles in the air.
  • Exxon Valdez

    An oil vessel that was responsible for the largest oil spill in American history in Alaska.
  • Energy Policy Act of 1992

    Motion to improve overall functionality of efforts to preserve in the US
  • Desert Protection Act of 1994

    Enacted preservation of Death Valley, Joshua Tree National Parks, and Mojave National Preserve in California deserts.
  • Kyoto Protocol

    Overall objective to reduce global warming by decreasing use of greenhouse gases to prevent immediate consequences
  • Cuyahoga River Fire

    When the Cuyahoga River in Ohio caught fire due to pollution, it sparked a new wave of concern about the effect of the chemicals used in our society.
  • OPEC Oil Embargo

    In response to the US assistance to Israel, members in OPEC agreed to declare an embargo on oil to the Netherlands, the UK, Canada, Japan and the US.
  • Montreal Protocol

    A resolution calling upon the minimal use of chemicals that deplete the ozone layer.