Entrance into World War II

  • Japan attacks Manchuria

    Japan was kinda looking for an excuse to invade and take over china. So they decided to say that china provoked there invasion, by sabotaging japans railroads thus leading to the invasion
  • Germany leaves League of Nations

    Once Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany, he announced his withdraw from the league of nations. His reason being was that they wouldnt allow him to have a military
  • japan leaves the league of nations

    Japan with draws form the league of nations following Germany and begging to believe in Germany's cause. There reasoning was that they were blamed for all the events that took place in Manchuria.
  • US neutrality acts signed

    the united states way of keeping themselves out of trouble and a signed paper saying that we will not get involved in the war
  • Japan invades china

    after a bit of heat between japan and china, the final feet was china sabotaging japans railroads leading to japans invasion of china and capture of Manchuria
  • Germany takes over Austria

    refereed to as "anshluss", Germany captured and annexed Austria into the German cause
  • Munich peace conference begins

    during this conference the leaders of Britain, France, and Italy all met with Hitler in order to discuss the allowing of Hitler to annex certain parts of the countries in order to keep him quite.
  • Germany takes over Czechoslovakia

    Hitler lead an attack to begin his purification of the world and his revenge for the way germany was treated during world war I
  • Non-aggression pact between Germany and the soviet union

    it was an agreement between the soviet union and Germany in which they agreed not to engage into military combat, Hitler didn't take long to break this agreement
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany begins there purification of the world. Marking the beginning of world war two
  • France falls to Germany

    Germany invaded and concurred France