Enlish Literature

  • 450

    Old English (Anglo-Saxon) (450–1066)

    Old English (Anglo-Saxon)  (450–1066)
    It is known for the oral literature, in this period the poem Beowulf stood out, which was initially told from generation to generation.
    John Milton, wrote "Paradise Lost".
  • 1066

    Middle English Period (1066–1500)

    Middle English Period (1066–1500)
    There was a language transition because Normandy invaded Gret Britain, wich develop something similar to today`s English.
    The writings in English were special of the Catolic church, but also began to expand the literature of other types allowing the emergence of people like Chauser, Thomas Malory and Robert Henryson.
  • 1500

    The Renaissance (1500–1660)

    The Renaissance (1500–1660)
    In that period,the merchant´s wealth,they too can access education.
    One of the most famous character is William Shakespeare with his literay plays.
    His plays are of three types:.
  • The Neoclassical Period (1600–1785)

    The Neoclassical Period (1600–1785)
    This period is divided into three stages, the Restoration Age in which comedy and satire were highlighted. The Age Augusta, a time when a woman named Lady Mary Wortley Montagu broke stereotypes. And the Age of Sensibility or Age of Johnson.
  • The Romantic Period (1785–1832)

    The Romantic Period (1785–1832)
    In this period writers focused on aspects of their environment, such as love, life or nature. Emotions played a main role as well as imagination.
    Frankenstein written by Mary Shelley
  • The Victorian Period (1832–1901)

    The Victorian Period (1832–1901)
    It is called Victorian because it began at the coronation of Queen Victoria and ended when she died.
    It was a period of constant social, political, religious and economic disagreements. It was the most popular period because of its influence and politics. It was also noted for the development of prose fiction with different writers such as Charles Dickens, Charlotte and Emily Bronte, Elizabeth Gaskell, George Eliot.
    Charles Dickens wrote A Tale of Two Cities.
  • The Edwardian Period (1901–1914)

    The Edwardian Period (1901–1914)
    This period is so named because it is the name of King Edward VII.
    In this age writers of novels stood out, for example Joseph Conrad, Ford Madox. Ford, Rudyard Kipling, HG Wells and Henry.
    And some poets for example Alfred Noyes and William Butler Yeats.
  • The Georgian Period (1910-1936)

    The Georgian Period  (1910-1936)
    Georgian poets were Ralph Hodgson, John Masefield, WH Davies and Rupert Brooke.
    This type of poetry engaged themes in a traditional manner and not with passion as in other periods.
  • The Modern Period (1914)

    The Modern Period (1914)
    Because of the world wars, in this period the emotions of sadness, disillusionment or death are reflected in the literary texts of that time. A style of narrative, drama and verse was used.
    George Orwell wrote Animal Farm y 1984
  • The Postmodern Period 1945

    The Postmodern Period 1945
    This period began at the beginning of the end of World War II.
    The most famous writers of this period are: Samuel Beckett , Joseph Heller, Anthony Burgess, John Fowles, Penelope M. Lively e Iain Banks