enlightenment era to present

  • enlightenment era to present

    enlightenment era to present
    John Locke enlightment thinker came up with the idea of natural rights.
    Enlightment time period influenced the American ,French,and Latin American revolution.Citizens rebaled against their gov't and won independence
  • Neoclassical Period Art

    Neoclassical Period Art
    Neoclassical Art is a severe and unemotional form of art harkening back to the grandeur of ancient Greece and Rome. which was of some importance in the American and French revolutions.
  • Two Artist of the neoclassical period

    Two Artist of the neoclassical period
    Robert Smirke ,and Robert Adam was two artist who was from the neoclassical period .Robert Adam incorporated design ideas from ancient Greece and Rome into his forms and decoration. His famous London houses include Kenwood House, Osterley Park and Syon House.Robert Smirke one of the leaders of Greek Revival architecture.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    American Revolution was the struggle of thirteen American colonies against Great Britain. The term American Revolution also includes the American War of Independence, and resulted in the formation of the United States of America.Lasted 8 or more years.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The French revolution made the way for the secular system of governance for most country of the world.. From the perspective of freeing the people from unjust slavery regimes that committed all sorts of crimes under the banner of religion
  • Industrial Revolution 1820-1870

    Industrial Revolution 1820-1870
    The Industrial Revolution was the new invention of new machineries, factories , and weapons. It created railroads stemboats . They also started using steel and coal.. the affect was it underwent social changes like urbanization, the wrokers had to work long hours. the working conditions were dangerous
  • Imperialism 1870- middle of 20th century

    Imperialism 1870- middle of 20th century
    Is the domination or the take over by one country of the econmic or cultural life of another region.Europeans states was winning empire in America becuase of better weapons and resource's , these wins influence on the lives of the people of China,India, or Africa.Effect was they took over Africa land by killing them, taking resource's and many other's.
  • Egypt Revolution

    Egypt Revolution
    took place following a popular uprising that began on 25 January 2011. Thousands of people began taking to the streets to protest poverty, rampant unemployment, government corruption and governance of President Hosni Mubarak, who has ruled the country for thirty years. These were the first protests on such a large scale to be seen in Egypt since the 1970s.
  • libyan

    was an armed conflict in the North African state of Libya, fought between forces loyal to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and those seeking to oust his government.[39][40] The war was preceded by protests in Benghazi beginning on Tuesday, 15 February 2011, which led to clashes with security forces that fired on the crowd.[41] The protests escalated into a rebellion that spread across the country,[
  • Syrian

    A Free Syrian Army fighter fires at Syrian Army positions during a clash in Syria, Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012. Syria's unrest began in March 2011 when protests calling for political change met a violent government crackdown. Many in the opposition have since taken up arms as the conflict morphed into a civil war that activists say has killed nearly 30,000 people.
  • WWI 1914-1918

    WWI 1914-1918
    The war started when the Archuduke of Austria was attacked and assasinated by Serbian nationlist. Then it just all started it went crazy. Germany , Austria, Serbia,Italy, Russia , France , Britian , and japan was all involed in it. It ended by the central powers lost to the allies power and its young american troops.