Enlightenment and Nationalist Revolutions

  • Montesquieu publishes book, On the Spirit of Laws

    This book was a prominent political science book in the late 1700's. Many parts from the consitution were pulled from this book such as his ideas about seperation of power.
  • America declares independence

    The colonists cut all ties from Britian. They wrote the Declaration of Indepence during the continental congress. They were then and independent state, and allied with France. They asked for France to aid them in the war to follow. They declared independence because of the absurd taxes and restrictions.
  • French Revolution

    This was the beginning of the revoltuion. King Louis was taxing the Third Estate, the poorest and they were fed up. The King invited the Estates to come to Versailles. The 3rd estate was locked out of Versailles, so they made a national assembly that consisted of the third estate. They would never stop until they attained a new constitution which would entitle them to fairness and equality.
  • Napoleon overthrows the Directory through a coup d’etat

    A Coup d'etat means a blow to the state in English. Napoleon had returned from Egypt, and people were encouraging him to become a leader. Napoleon attacked the Legislative assembly and many of the assembly men left The ones that satyed, voted to dissolve the directory. They wanted three consuls, and Napoleon was the first to volunteer him self as the first consul. He was basically a dictator.
  • Napoleon crowns himself emperor, begins to create a vast European Empire

    In France, when people were crowned as emperor, the chruch would usually place the crown on the emperor's head. Napoleon put the crown on his head, by himself, symbolizing he was more powerful thatn the church.
  • Haiti wins freedom from France

    The colony of Saint Domingue was controlled by the French. They produced lots of sugar for the French. Toussaint L'ouverture rose up and fought so that the slaves could have freedom. When Napoelon came over to gain his colony back, they lost because of germs and fierce native fighters.
  • Padre Hidalgo calls for Mexican Independence

    Hidalgo was a priest. He rung the bells to his church in hopes to haave the peasents come. He hoped he would be able to iginite a spark in the peasants and let them see the unjusts in their world. He did spark their passion.
  • Napoleon is defeated at the Battle of Waterloo

    Napoleon just returned from Elba because he knew that Louis XVIII was unliked. He was renamed emperor of France. Napoleon attacked the British, lead by the Duke of Wellington. The Prussians arrived later and eventually drove the French out because of exhaustion.