Enlightenment and French Revolution

  • May 5, 1789 Meeting With The Estates-General

    The Estates general were upperclassmen, They were land owners or family of rich. Its when he versailles marked the start of the french revolution.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    On the day of the Tennis Court Oath, the Third Estates of france took a oath and vowed to not separate until a constitution was established for the country.
  • Storming of the bastille

    The people of Paris stormed the Bastille, a medieval fortress and prison, in a pivotal event that symbolized the start of the French Revolution
  • Decleration of the rights of man

    the National Assembly of France approved the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.
  • Women's march of Versailles

    The march began when women in the marketplaces of Paris became upset about the high price of bread. The women's unrest quickly became linked with the activities of revolutionaries who wanted a constitutional monarchy and liberal political reforms. The women marched on Versailles with weapons, including pitchforks, pikes, and muskets.
  • Execution of King Louis XVI

    Louis XVI was put on trial in December 1792 for 33 charges of betrayal, sabotage, and failure of leadership. The National Convention found him guilty in a near-unanimous vote.
  • Napoleonic Code is established

    Napoleon Bonaparte established the Napoleonic Code, also known as the French Civil Code, which unified the French legal system. The code was the result of four years of debate and planning, and was influenced by Napoleon's interpretation of the French Revolution.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror was a period during the French Revolution marked by widespread, state-sanctioned violence where citizens suspected of opposing the revolution were arrested, tried, and often executed by the guillotine, with thousands dying due to mass executions orchestrated by the Committee of Public Safety, primarily led by Maximilien Robespierre.
  • Maximillian Robespierre's execution

    Executioner Charles-Henri Sanson tore off the bandage that was holding his shattered jaw in place, causing him to produce an agonised scream until his death.