Enlightenment and French Revolution

  • may 5,1789 meeting with estates general

    where; in versailles\who:the clergy,nobility, and commoners/why:the political and financial situation in france had grown rather bleak, forcing louis xvl to summon the estates general\what: marked the start of the french revolution
  • Tennis Court Oath

    who: third estate deputies to the estates general\what :an oath never to stop meeting until a constitution had been established\where:indoor tennis court(salle du jeu de paume)\why:the national assembly swore not to stop meeting until france had a constitution
  • Storming of the Bastille

    who:iconic conflict of the french revolution\what:a pivotal moment in the french revolution\where:bastille,paris\why:fears that king louis xvl was about to arrest frances newly constituted national assembly
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    who:france's national constituent assembly\what:all"men are born and remain free and equal in rights"\where:france's national assembly\why: define a single set of individual and collective rights for all men