Enlightenment and French Revolution

  • May 5, 1789 Meeting With Estates-General

    The meeting of the Estates-General was held at the Menus-Plaisirs building in Versailles, France. The meeting was called by King Louis XVI to address the political conflict and weaknesses in the kingdom. The Estates-General consisted of representatives of the three orders of the French society (the clergy, the nobility, and the commoners).
  • Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath was an oath taken by Third Estate delegates to "not separate and to reassemble wherever necessary until the Constitution of the kingdom is established." This pledge was taken on a tennis court; specifically the Royal Tennis Court in Versailles, France. The Tennis Court Oath was taken on the initiative of Jean Joseph Mounier, a French politician and judge.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    The Storming of the Bastille occurred in Paris, France when revolutionists attempted to storm and take control of the Bastille. The Bastille was a medieval armoury, fortress and political prison. After four hours of battle and 94 deaths, the revolutionists were able to get into the fortress.