Enlightenment and French Revolution

  • May 5, 1789 meeting with the Estates-General

    This marked the beginning of the French Revolution. King Louis XVl, Queen, and 1,200 deputies represented these estates. The general convened to discuss grievances and reform the economy.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    The oath was that the national assembly swore not to stop meeting until France had a constitution. This caused the formation of the National Assembly in France.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    The Bastille was a large medieval fortress that functioned as a prison for Paris in 1789. They stormed the Bastille because they feared that King Louis XVl was about to arrest France's newly constituted National Assembly.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man

    The Declaration of the Rights of Man was to give rights of Liberty, Property, Safety, and Resistance to Oppression. Both Marquis de Lafayette and Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Rights of Man.
  • Women's March on Versailles

    When women came concerned about the high prices and scarcity of bread. The women marched from the marketplace beginning the March on Versailles.
  • Execution of King Louis XVI

    King Louis XVI was executed by the guillotine after being convicted of conspiracy with foreign powers and being sentenced to death.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror was when the leader of the Jacobin club used a revoultionary tribunal to convict people after he arrest them for being against the republic nation. They were sentenced to death and were guillotined when they were convicted.
  • Maximillian Robespierre's execution

    On July 27 1794 Robespierre and a number of his followers were arrested at Hotel de Ville in Paris. Then the following day they were brought to de la Revolution to be guillotined in front of a cheering crowd in the streets.
  • Napoleonic Code is established

    Napoleon made a code and it covered areas such as property, contracts, and family law.
  • Napoleon Crowns himself emperor

    Napoleon crowned himself emperor over France at Notre Dame de Paris. Doing this restored a form of strong monarchy in France
  • Period: to

    Peninsular War

    This was a military conflict where Portugal, Spain, and the UK fought/defended against the invading forces of the First French Empire during the Napoleonic wars. This took place in the Iberian Peninsula by Portugal.
  • Napoleon and his men march on Russia

    Napoleon led the Grande Armée across the Nerman River invading Russia from current day Poland. Then began chasing Russia through their harsh winter pushing them back. Until resulted to fall back as the he realized the Russians wanted him to follow and he had lost over 2/3's of his men.
  • Napoleon is exiled to Elba

    After he exited Russia all his enemies had captured France and was waiting on him forcing to surrender before he was sent away from Europe forever.
  • Napoleon dies

    He was guarded day and night at the Islands of Saint Helena till the day he died in his Longwood home. No one really knows how he died, but the autopsy states he died of stomach cancer which led to bleeding gastric ulcers.