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english timeline by Viktor and Johan and Carl

  • get born

    get born
    it was on herlev hospital
  • Period: to

    my life

  • started daycare

    started daycare
    it was in Målev in denmark near copenhagen where i also live
  • learned how to ride a bike

    learned how to ride a bike
    it was fun
  • started in kindergarten

    started in kindergarten
    it was a nice one also in Måløv
  • Period: to

    going in school

    why is this shit so boring. but important, i guess
  • Period: to

    corona pandemic

    it was a sad and boring time where we was not could not go outside together.
  • getting a new class in 7th grade

    getting a new class in 7th grade
    a god one (lucky me)
  • Period: to


    very funny had a got time
  • starting high school

    starting high school
    a lot of homework
  • finishing high school

    finishing high school
    finally over
  • Adult

    the time when i try to go professional in badminton
  • get married

    get married
  • get kids

    get kids
    getting kids with your wife
  • the death

    the death
    I am 99 years old and i am colse to dieding and i was pro for 20 years