Oct 20, 1485
1485-Background and the Tudors' history with Parliament
1485- Henry VII only calls Parliament to ask for money -
1603- Elizabeth I dies and the Stuarts take the throne
1625- Charles I inherits the throne
1628- Parliament forces Charles to sign the petiton to right
1628- The Petition to Right stated that the king was not above the law, and the englishmen were to follow the law. -
1640-1642 Charles forced to call parliament again; long parliament begins
Long parliament was the name for the english Parliament created by Charles I -
January 1649- Execution of Charles I; Establishment of the Commonwealth
Charles I was executed for treason -
1650-1660- The Puritain society of the Commonwealth
1652- Irish exiled to West Ireland
1653- Cromwell takes title of "Lord Protector"
1658- Cromwell dies; Charles II invited back to England; restores Monarchy in England
1685-1688- James II inherets the throne; clashes with Parliament
1688- Glorious Revolution and the English Bill of Rights
1642-1649- The English Civil War; Calvaliers vs. Roundheads
The English Civil War was fought because the King seperated himself from Parliament. It was fought by those who followed the King and those who followed Parliament. -
Impact and future effects of the English Civil War on other nations