Samuel Pepys
Samuel Pepys begins his dairy. It is imporant because he gets to share his thoughts about things! -
John Dryden
John Dryden is named the first official poet laureate. This is imporant beacuse he was known as the poet of Laureate. -
John Milton's
John Milton's "Paradise Regained" is published. And he gets to share what he had done. -
John Locke
John Locke publishes his essay "Two Treaties" on Government, stating the natural rights of life, liberty, and property. This is imporant because people needed to know their rights of life , liberty, and property. -
Addison and Steele
Addison and Steele begin periodical The Specator. -
Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe
Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe, Considered by many to be the first novel in English, is published. People can understand he English part of the novel and be able to read their langauge. -
Jonathan Swift
Jonathan Swift arranges for anonymous delivery of his manuscript of " Gulliver's Travels " to a London priner. -
Samuel Richardon's
Samuel Richardson's novel "Pamela" is published. This is importan because Samuel gets to share things about his novel. -
Samuel Johnson
Samuel Johnson signs a contract to wrie A Dicitionary of the english language (publisged in 1755). People began to understand he meaning of the new words. -
James Boswell
James Boswell meets Samuel Johnson, beginning a 21- year friendship. This is important because a friendship had began and might can chnage many things in he near future.