My sister being brought home for the first time
I was so excited to hold my little sister. I loved her at first site. And I was so proud to be the big sister. I still love her even though she’s annoys me to death. -
Getting my dogs
I got max first from a shelter he was about 8 months. We got ruby from a breeder when she was a month. Max was a mutt & ruby was a pure breed English lab. I named them after my favorite show on nick junior Max & Ruby. I loved them and they became my best friends -
First time going to the zoo
This was the trip that sparked my intense love for animals. After this trip for a good 6 years afterward I wanted to be a zoologist. -
My first night in our new house
We had moved up from the Bronx living a small 1 bedroom apartment with 4 people and two dogs to a big three bedroom house with a big backyard and a basement. It was one of the most exciting time in my life -
My little brother was born
I loved him from the first time I met him I was excited to be a big sister again he was a great addition to my life -
When I first started to develop body issues
I had gone on a trip with my family & it was the first time I was ever aware that I was heavier than other kids it really took a toll on me & my self esteem -
First time getting bullied for my weight
I had went to a Christian camp and it was one of the worst experiences ever. I was bullied relentlessly for my weight and it really affected how I saw the world I became bitter & mean. -
My dogs died
I was heart broken I had my dogs for most of my life at this point at I didn’t know how I was gonna live with out them -
I saw my first broadway musical
It sparked my love for movies and entertainment. I became a music & tv junkie after that -
Me getting diagnosed with bulimia
It was after this picture was taken & I realized how big I was was that I decided I wanted changed and lose weight. But I was too impatient for health weight loss