I was born to Doug and Sara Wright. I have an older brother, Tim (8) and an older sister, Katherine (4). I was born in Plano Texas. When I was born, there were about 25 people in the room. I had pre-cancerous cells in my left lung. People needed to be prepared for me to have breathing problems. I was in the NICU for 3 days being watched. I had no problems, so they released me to go home to my family. -
When I was 10 months old, I had to have part of my left lung removed. There were pre-cancerous cells that could potentially cause problems for me in the future. This was performed in Dallas Texas. My parents and I were in the hospital for 6 days. This picture is the day I got home from the hospital. I was feeling pretty puny, but I was happy to be in my own home and not attached to motinors. -
I went to a Christian pre-school at the church that my family attended. My favorite teacher was Miss Cindy. She was also a good family friend. She was a big part of getting my family involve in Relay For Life. She passed away from cancer in December of 2008. -
Moved to Arizona
My dad accepted a job at Phelps Dodge Copper Company. We moved in July to Morenci Arizona. It was a huge culture shock moving from the city to a small rural town. -
Began Cheerleading
I started cheerleading with a small local community team. We cheered at the high school footbal game one night. I also cheered for Pop Warner teams in my town. -
Back Surgery
I was diagnosed with scoliosis when I was 12. We had to wait until I had grown a little before we could correct it. I had surgery to straighted out my spine. I grew 3 inches during the surgery. I had to learn how to walk again. And, I had to stay out of any physical activities for a whole year to allow my body to heal. -
8th Grade Promotion
I graduated from the 8th grade and I was ready to move on. I was excited to be going to the high school that my brother and sister attended. -
Driving Permit
I was excited and nervous to take the test for my driving permit. It took my brother and sister several attempts at the test. I passed the test on my first try! By October, I had my first accident while driving my mom's huge truck. I accidentally drove into the garage door. -
Cheer Competitions
I have continued with my cheerleading. I joined a competition team from my community. We go to compeitions almost every other weekend. We haven't taken first place yet, but we have improved at each performance. This is one of my favorite pictures. Our coaches are always telling us to over-exaggerate our expressions. -
Sweet 16
I turned 16. Now I am able to get a job. I am excited to start earning my own money. My sister spends her summer at South Padre Island Texas working. I am planning on spending this summer with her. I am in the process of filling out my first job application right now! I am hoping to get hired at a waterslide park.