English Literature Timeline

  • 450

    Old English

    Old English
    It refers to the literature produced in the first half of the fifth Century.The period is a long one and it is generally considered that Old English was spoken from about A.D. 600 to about 1100. Many of the poems of the period are pagan, in particular Widsith and Beowulf. E.g. The Venerable Bede. Important authors Cynewulf and Caedmon.
  • 1066

    Middle English

    Middle English
    It refers to literature produced in the four and a half centuries. It was a time for Morality plays, Miracle plays, and Interlude E.g. Malory, Sir Thomas (d. 1471). Geoffrey Chaucer and William Langland.
  • 1500


    Iit refers to literature that was made between 1558 to 1603 period. E.g. The first version of the English prayer book.
  • 1558

    Elizabethan period

    Elizabethan period
    Ruled by Queen Elizabeth I. Some very important authors were Edmund Spenser (1552-1599), Sir Philip Sidney and William Shakespeare.
  • Jacobean Period

    Jacobean Period
    Ruled by king James I it was a period where literature became sophisticated, sombre and conscious of social abuse and rivalry. Rich prose and drama were written in this time and The King James version of the Bibile. Author e.g. Thomas Middleton.
  • Caroline Period

    Caroline Period
    Ruled by king Charles I writers wrote with refinement and elegance. The dramatists in this age were the last to write in the Elizabethan tradition. Authors e.g. Thomas Carew, Robert Herrick, John Suckling, William Davenant and Richard Lovelace
  • Puritan

    It refers to the literature produced in times of Oliver Cornwell. This time period created a collection of political writings and prose. E.g. The Compleat Angler by Devoted fisherman Izaak Walton and Thomas Hobbes.
  • Restoration Age

    Restoration Age
    It happened when Charles II restored the monarchy. It was marked by the restoration of the monarchy and the triumph of reason and tolerance over religious and political passion. It produced prose and poetry and the distinctive restoration comedy. E.g. Samuel (1633–1703) and John Milton.
  • 18th Century

    18th Century
    It's divided in 2, Augustan and Sensibility period. E.g. The Tatler launches a new style of journalism in Britain's coffee houses.

    Literature created under the Roman Emperor Augustus. It refers to literature with predominant characteristics of refinement, clarity, elegance and balance of judgement. Significant contributions were the first English novel and novel of character. E.g. Daniel Defoe and Robinson Crusoe.
  • Sensibility Period

    Sensibility Period
    This period focused on feelings and instinct. It bloomed a growing sympathy of Middle English and sparked an interest in medieval ballads and folk literature. E.g. Samuel Johnson, Laurence Sterne publishes the first two volumes of Tristram Shandy.
  • Romanticism

    Where romantic novel and romantic poetry were found. Literature was characterized by personal nature, strong use of feelings, symbolism and the exploration of nature and supernatural. Literature could be spontaneous, imaginative, personal and free.
    E.g. English poets Wordsworth and Coleridge jointly publish Lyrical Ballads, Mary Shelley and Jane Austen.
  • Victorian Period

    Victorian Period
    It occured while Queen Victoria ruled. This literature dealed with the issues and problems of the day as contemporary issues sucha as social, economic, religious and intellectual problems. E.g. Charles Dickens' first novel, Oliver Twist and Alfred Lord Tennyson.
  • Modern Literature

    Modern Literature
    Authors used to experiment with subject matter, form and style. E.g. Just So Stories for Little Children in 1902.
  • Post Moderns

    Post Moderns
    It blends literary genres and styles, it also attempts to break free of modernist forms. E.g. Keith Waterhouse has a wide success with his second novel, Billy Liar.
  • Contemporary

    Literature that is happening now and it started in 2000. E.g.

    The Amber Spyglass completes Philip Pullman's trilogy, His Dark Materials.