455 BCE
The Classical Period (1200 BCE-455 BCE)
Homeric or Heroic Period (1200-800 BCE)
Classical Greek Period (800-200 BCE)
Classical Roman Period (200 BCE-455 BCE)
Autores como: Geovanni Florio, William Shaskespeare.
Patristic Period (c.70 CE-455 CE) -
Anglo Saxon Period (449-1660)
Characterized by an oral tradition of epic poems and songs. -
The Enlightenmente period (1660-1790)
Restoration Period (1660-1700)
Robinson Crusoe de Daniel Defoe
The Augustan Age (1700-1750)
Los viajes de Gulliver escrito por Jonathan Swift.
The Age of Johnson (1750-1790)
Lyrical Ballads by poets William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. -
The Renaissance and Reformation (1485-1660 CE)
Early Tudor Period (1485-1558)
Elizabethan Period (1558-1603)
Comedies and tragedies: Christopher Marlowe Doctor Faustus, William Shakespeare Hamlet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Romeo and Juliet.
Jacobean Period(1603-1625)
With Revenge Tragedies: Ben Johnson The Alchemist, John Fletcher and Francis Beaumont, The King James Bible by William Tyndale
Caroline Age (1625-1649)
Puritan Interregnum (1649-1660) -
Neoclassic period 1760-1850
Restoration Age (1660-1700)
Dryden wrote Restoration-style comedies, but he also wrote plays in a neoclassical spirit.
The Augustan Age (1700-1750)
Augustan, one of the most illustrious periods in Latin literary history; together with the preceding Ciceronian period, it forms the Golden Age of Latin literature.
The Age of Johnson (1750-1798).
Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), poet, critic, and author of fiction, is the namesake for this period in literature. Johnson wielded considerable influence over -
The Romantic Period (1790-1830 CE)
Romantic poets and Gothic writings
Frankenstein is a literary work by the writer Mary Shelley, one of the leading women in literature with the most famous work of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice novels, Vindication of the Rights of Man was a letter to the Right Honorable Edmund Burke written by Mary Wollstonecraft. -
The Victorian Period (1832-1901)
Early Period (1830 – 1848)
It is the rise of other literary forms such as newspapers, magazines and the novel becomes the narrative work par excellence.
Middle Period (1848 – 1870)
Where the universal exhibitions begin and it is a period in which the current of positivism has great influence.
Late Period (1870 – 1901)
Skepticism is spread by the decline of Victorian principles. The Industrial Revolution and technological advances followed. -
Modernism period (1914-1945 CE)
Modernist Writers and Realism… Ezra Pound, James Joyce, Gertrude Stein and Mina Loy. -
The postmoder period (1945
Post Modern Era 1945-Present. The term was applied to a whole host of movements, many in art, music, and literature, that reacted against modernism, and are typically marked by revival of traditional elements and techniques