English history

  • 410

    Chapter one Anglo-saxon

    The romans left England in 410AD and the germans came in 450AD.
    Leaving many words like 4 days of the week, house, woman and some thers.
    after that the christianism came and next were the vikings.
  • 1066

    Chapter two The Norman conquest

    A conqueror brought new concepts from the french language.
    English absorbed about 10 thousand words from the Normans, and begun the war between France and England.
  • 1564

    Chapter three Shakespeare

    Willian Shakespeare invented about 2 thousand english words and phrases with his works
  • Chapter four The king James Bible

    King James made a translation of the bible wich everybody could undestand and gave shape to the way english is spoken nowadays
  • Chapter five The english of science

    Britain was full of physicists and some of them begun to invent new words to make easier the understanding
  • Chapter six Englsih and empire

    Britian started asking for new lands and thanks to that they discover many new words from differents places
  • Chapter seven The age of the dictionary

    Dr. Jhonson wrote a dictionary that took him 9 years that were not so used. but in 1857 the Oxford dictionary appeared that took 70 years to be finished.
  • Chapter eight American english

    As british arraived to america and started giving names to all the things there, but after that Americans used their own words too
  • Chapter nine Internet english

    With the internet arrival new words appeared to give names to the new concepts and also acronyms.
  • Chapter ten Global english

    As the english took many words from many different languages, some ways to speak the english appeared too for be understood in the different places where is spoken