English evolution | Chapter 7

By Agraztr
  • 98

    Angles' language text

    Angles' language text
    Tacitus wrote about angles and their language
  • 100

    At the beginning of Roman conquest

    At the beginning of Roman conquest
  • Period: 100 to 400

    Roman Empire conquered Britain

  • 200

    The earliest runic inscriptions

    The earliest runic inscriptions
    especially in Scandinavia
  • 400

    At the beginning of Irish & Pics invasion

    At the beginning of Irish & Pics invasion
  • Period: 400 to 448

    Irish and the Picts Britain invasion.

  • 449

    German's invation

    German's invation
    It was pretty easy for the Germans (Angles and Saxons) to invade Britain.
  • 450


    Runas as common writting
  • 450

    Force Latin to Northumbria

    Force Latin to Northumbria
    Christian erase the Runs
  • 597

    Augustine as a missionary to Britain

    Augustine as a missionary to Britain
    Pope Gregory sent the Roman prelate Augustine as a
    missionary to Britain, with a party of followers and, take books in Latin with them
  • 603

    Ethelbert's Law

    Ethelbert's Law
    Written in Latin.
  • 701

    Lingua Anglorum

    Lingua Anglorum
    The name of the language in the eighth century
  • 801

    "Englisc” as the name of the language

    "Englisc” as the name of the language
    In the ninth century
  • 803

    4 legal documents

    4 legal documents
    In 200 years only have been writing 3 more documents
  • 1001

    French & Italian appears

    French & Italian appears
    eleventh century
  • 1066

    Norman conquest

    Norman conquest
  • 1200

    People wrote in english again

  • 1301

    England as nation state

    England as nation state
  • 1337

    At the beginning of 100 years' battle

    At the beginning of 100 years' battle
  • Period: 1337 to 1453

    The 100 years war

    France vs Britain
  • 1350

    Current English

    Current English
    The first time that we know of the "same" English which we use now.
  • 1390

    The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer

    The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
    The most popular book at that moment. At the beginning of the classics
  • 1417

    Writing English & French as a popular trend

    Writing English & French as a popular trend
    King Henry V respond to their letters in both languages.
  • 1476

    First printing office

    First printing office
    The first printing office for English books was set up in
  • 1500

    Start appear new languages

    During 16th century