United kingdom

English Evolution

  • Jun 15, 1215

    Creation of the Magna Carta

    Creation of the Magna Carta
    The first limitations set on the absolute monarchy of England.
  • Period: Sep 26, 1532 to Sep 26, 1536

    Reformation/The Creation of the Church of England

    King Herny VIII broke away from the Roman Catholic Church in order to divorce CAtherine and marry Anne Boline in the hope that he would recive a male heir.
  • Period: to

    Imperialism/ Colonial Mercantilism

    This era marked a time when British powere was at its highest. During this period in history, Great Britian was the superpower of the world.
  • Period: to

    The English Civil Wars and Restoration

    English government began to move from a limited monarchy to a parlimentary democracy.
  • Period: to

    The Glorious Revolution

    Resulted in the firm understanding that the king would henceforth be both Anglican and accoutable to Parliament.
  • The Act of Settlement

    The Act of Settlement
    This act regularized procedures for succession to the throne and asserted that the king and queen had to govern according to Parliament's laws.
  • Period: to

    Emergence of the Prime Minister

    After the monarchs began to stop attending cabinet meetings, a Sir Robert Walpole began to be considered as the Prime Minister, even though the position did not official rise for another two centuries.
  • Great Reform Act

    Great Reform Act
    The Act granted seats in the House of Commons to large cities that had sprung up during the Industrial Revolution, and took away seats from smaller ones. It gave the House of Commons new confidence in its ability to curb the power of the monarchy and the aristocracy.
  • 1867 Reform Act (Second Reform Act)

    1867 Reform Act (Second Reform Act)
    Doubled the size of the electorate to nearly three million.
    Later, the first political parties were formed by parliamentary leaders who needed to generate support form the new voters.
  • Reform of the House of Lords

    Reform of the House of Lords
    The House of Lords was stripped of its remaining power, marking the final step in the evolution of British government from an absolute monarchy to a limited monarchy to a parliamentary democracy.
  • General Strike

    General Strike
    The Trades Union Congress (TUC) called for a strike and British workers walked off the job en masse. Rather thenviolently clashing, the police and the strikers peacefully played soccer together.
  • Depression in England

    Depression in England
    Teh Depression hit England as hard as in any European nation except for Germany. Weak Conservative and Labour governments failed to find a solution.
  • Berverage Act Published

    Berverage Act Published
    This report called for a social insurance program in which every citizen would be eligible for health, unemployment, pension, and other benefits that would guarantee all British citizens at least a subsistence income.
  • Period: to

    The Collective Consensus Era

    Cross-Party consensus on the direction of the government and the policies that Parliament is making.
  • National Health Care Service Created

    National Health Care Service Created
    A National Health Service that provides health care for the entire nation through general taxation.
  • Margret Thatcher becomes Prime Minister

    Margret Thatcher becomes Prime Minister
    End to the Collective Consensus Era
  • Tony Blair is elected Prime Minister

    Tony Blair is elected Prime Minister
    Blair deals with the dissatisfation of the people with the British monarchy, as well as works with the crisis of Princess Diana's death.
  • Tony Blair resigns from Prime Minister and Leader of the Labour Party Positions

    Tony Blair resigns from Prime Minister and Leader of the Labour Party Positions
  • David Cameron is elected Prime Minister

    David Cameron is elected Prime Minister