Start a new diary
Nikki starts writing in her new diary, and Mackenzie freaks out because of a bug in her hair. -
Not so smart...
Nikki accidentally ruines her friendship with her crush, Brandon. -
Poor goldfish!
Nikki´s sister, Brianna, brings a goldfish from school to home and accidentally kills it with a bubble bath. -
New goldfish!
Nikki and her mother are going to the pet shop for a new goldfish, but Nikki sees Brandon outside and thinks the rumor that he kissed her for some pizza is real! -
Fake call!
Nikki and her friends are calling the pizza shop where Nikki saw Brandon. They want to find out if the rumor is true or false, but it is true... -
Miss Know-it-all
Nikki gets a website for her advice column, Miss Know-it-all -
New owner!
Mackenzie finds Nikki's diary and writes in it about her day. -
I hate Nikki!
Mackenzie finds out how mean Nikki writes about her. -
Stupid bug!
Mackenzie is mad about a video of her with the bug. -
Mackenzie gives some really mean advice at Miss Know-it-all. She also finds a letter from Brandon to Nikki (on Nikki's locker) and makes sure that Nikki doesn't get the letter. -
Poor Nikki
Mackenzie places the letter back on Nikki's locker, so Nikki goes to the place where Brandon said that they shall meet, but he doesn't show up... -
New school!
Mackenzie is going to transfer to another school, but when she goes back to her old school for her last day there, she loses her diary... -
Yay me!
Nikki finds her diary back! -
Chloë, what's wrong?
Chloë, one of Nikki's best friends, suddenly stops talking to Nikki and her other Best friend, Zoey... -
'I got braces...'
Nikki and Zoey find out why Chloë didn't speak. She got braces and told it to Nikki through Miss Know-it-all, but Mackenzie had written a really mean letter back. Unfortunately, Chloë thought that Nikki had written it. -
And they lived happilly ever after. At least, that's what they think...
Nikki and her friends are deleting the letters that Mackenzie had written and write some new letters at Miss Know-it-all. They also find out that Mackenzie had braces when she was young, and Nikki and Brandon become friends again.