• I was born

  • Period: to

    My Timeline

  • Jacob was born

  • Jacob's 1st Birthday

    Jacob's 1st Birthday
  • Visiting Great Grandpa

    Visiting Great Grandpa
  • My 4th Birthday

    My 4th Birthday
  • Making Mud Pies

    Making Mud Pies
  • Chalk drawing with Jaaob

    Chalk drawing with Jaaob
  • We went to the zoo

    We went to the zoo
  • My 10th Birthday

    My 10th Birthday
  • Melbourne Cup Day

    Melbourne Cup Day
  • Christmas

  • We went to Sydney

    We went to Sydney
  • Parliament House

    Parliament House
  • Chester and Rose were born

    Chester and Rose were born
    My favourite puppies were born on this day.
  • School Camp to Canberra

  • Mum's 30th

    Mum's 30th
  • Geocaching with Auntie Rach

    Geocaching with Auntie Rach
  • Dressing up the puppies

    Dressing up the puppies
  • I moved to Phillip Island

    I moved to Phillip Island
  • Jacob, Dylan, Victoria and I rode our bikes on the Grand Prix Track

    Jacob, Dylan, Victoria and I rode our bikes on the Grand Prix Track
  • Exploring the Island

    Exploring the Island
  • I started dancing

    I started dancing
    Ballet and Contemporary
  • I had the best Party at Luna Park

    I had the best Party at Luna Park
    I went to Luna Park with my friends Sienna, Sam Bree and Lilyalice. Then we went to food star it was funny becasue Sam kept on making disgusting meals.