
  • Letter Blocks

    Letter Blocks
    Back when I was very young, before I even started Pre-K, I remember having these colorful blocks, with letters and numbers on them. I would make words, towers, and even towers of words. Except they probably weren't real words because I barely knew how to speak. That is probably one of my first memories
  • Reading to kindergarteners

    Reading to kindergarteners
    In 3rd grade, our teachers had us do this thing sometimes where we would go down to the kindergarten wing and we would each be assigned our own kid to read to. The kid I got was very difficult and wouldn't stop talking.
  • Making Books with Friends

    Making Books with Friends
    Me and a few of my friends started to make small books that we would all work on together on Google Docs. They were stories where we would all go back in time and visit certain historical places and moments. We took it very serious and we were even able to get our teacher to print out a bunch of copies for us and people we knew. It was very fun.
  • UNH Essay

    UNH Essay
    Our school visited UNH for a day. We were hanging out with the basketball players, and we played with them and did math too. Following that there was an essay contest on our experience there. I ended up winning in front of the whole school and got a prize. I'm pretty sure it was a bag with some UNH themed stuff in it.
  • Summer Reading

    Summer Reading
    The summer going into 5th grade I read a book named Restart by Gordon Korman. Of course I had read books like Diary of a Wimpy Kid but that was one of the first real books I remember actually reading start to finish by myself that I actually enjoyed.
  • Reading Wonder

    Reading Wonder
    Wonder was a book I read in the beginning of 6th grade. That was another memorable book I read and I really enjoyed it. I even got my own personal copy of it which I read at home.
  • Starting to learn French

    Starting to learn French
    I started to learn French my freshman year. Starting off is easy, learning greetings, and numbers. But as we got deeper into the class it really shows you how complex language in general is, but overall it is a pretty cool and enjoyable experience. And now, this year we are reading an entire book in French.
  • Sophomore English

    Sophomore English
    My sophomore year for English class was a big surprise. There was a lot of work, and a lot of reading; at least an amount that I was not used to at the time. There were a few times I wouldn't do an assignment, or didn't read something, and got pretty stressed out. But, the teacher was really good and I got a lot better at reading and writing because of all the material we worked on.