
  • My birth

    I was born on January 10, 2001
  • Birth control patch invented

    Birth control patch invented
    In 2002 the first birth control patches were released. A patch the size of a matchbook but as thin as a piece of tape is placed somewhere on the body. The patch releases the same amount of estrogen and progestin as found in a standard birth control pill.
  • Skype

    In August of 2003 Skype was released. It revolutionized the way people communicated. Now you could just connect to the internet and the person you were trying to talk to could appear on your screen. It pioneered communication and let to other companies adopting the technology.
  • Mars rover Oppurtunity lands on mars

    Mars rover Oppurtunity lands on mars
    In 2003 NASA sent the rover Opportunity to Mars with a lifespan of only 90 days. It landed on mars on January 25, 2004. The rover lasted well past its expiration date of 90 days and lasted more than 9 years on the face of the planet,
  • Youtube released

    Youtube released
    The website Youtube launched in February of 2005 and is still online to this day. The website allows users to post their own videos for public viewing. It has since been bought by Google and is now run by them.
  • Playstation 3 release

    Playstation 3 release
    Sony released the Playstation 3 in November of 2006. The console had many new features including online gaming. You could now play with your friends over the internet without having to be at the same place. This was a revolutionary design that led to the the newest Playstation 4
  • First day of elementary school

    My first day of elementary school at Nuckols Farm
  • Kindle release date

    Kindle release date
    The Amazon Kindle was released in November of 2007. It was the first E-reader released and are still made today. Books could be downloaded onto it so you could easily read on the go. The kindle has made a whole new market of e-readers.
  • Ipad release

    Ipad release
    In April of 2010 Apple released the brand new Ipad. Taking from their successful Iphones they integrated the technology onto a larger platform that was closer to a computer rather than a phone. The product saw great success and the line continues to this day.
  • Steve Jobs dies

    Steve Jobs dies
    In October of 2011 one of the worlds greatest inventors passed away in Palo Alto California. He was one of the creators of Apple and the CEO. He pioneered the way people connected and how they used technology in their homes.
  • Elementary School Graduation

    The day i graduated from Nuckols Farm
  • First day of Middle school

    My first day of middle school at Short Pump.
  • Middle School graduation

    The day I graduated from Short Pump Middle school.
  • First day of High School

    My first day of high school at Deep Run